28-Chapter 4

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Camilla's POV

I had a new life now. A new beginning, and I had to make it happen. Because the reality of it was that I would have felt lonely and depressed if I hadn't tried to move on. It was a step I needed to take and whether it was the right one or not , it was taken and I couldn't go back now. I couldn't change it, it was done and dusted.

There's certain things in life that you just can't wait for, and as much as I loved Charlie, I couldn't spend the rest of my life waiting for her. It's selfish, despicably selfish, knowing that she'd wake up one day, and I wouldn't be around anymore. But I had to do what I had to do to keep my life playing. I've been on pause for way too long.


Charlie's POV

I had been in the taxi for about half an hour, stuck in my memories as everything rushed back to me.

"Miss, we're here." a low voice brought me out of my thoughts. I smiled towards him, paid and got out, grabbing my bag on the way. I stood looking at the house, home sweet home. It was the Monaco house.

I grabbed the keys and headed in. Not much had changed. It was all very much the same. I could hear screaming from upstairs and the shout of someone calling Jayden. I rushed up the stairs towards my room.

I slammed the door down, but not without having to hold on to the door frame for dear life at either my lack of stability or the sight in front of me, and was met by something I did not expect. Camilla. Sweet sweet Camilla... with a guy between her legs.

They obviously hadn't heard me as they were so wrapped up in their lovely sex life. I cleared my throat and they both glared towards the noise at first, but then Camilla's face changed to an expression, well a few, relief, love and then of course guilt was the main one.

"Who the fuck are you?" the guy seethed out towards me.

I turned my attention to him and he still lay on top of Camilla, still glaring at me.
I stared back but said nothing.

"Bitch answer me." he shouted.

I shook my head towards his choice of words and then he carried on with his business, well it was actually my business but you know, people cheat and all.

"Well you're having sex on my bed, so who are you?" I said calmly towards him. He huffed at my interruption and turned to me again.

Camilla frantically shook her head towards him but he carried on.

"I'm Camilla's husband." he said back politely this time. Husband.

My legs took me out of the house and made my way towards the police station, needing something to put my mind somewhere other than Camilla having sex with a guy who's her husband.
Fucking husband. I needed answers.

I drove like a maniac towards the station, not giving a single fuck. I screeched to a stop outside the door and calmly walked in. I had a feeling that there was a reason as to why people were steering clear of me.

I barged into the office causing all heads to turn my way. Mum. My boss. Camilla's dad. Camilla's mum. And Jack. i crossed my arms and glared at all of them except my boss.

"Sir." I greeted him.

"M.C, how lovely to have you back."he greeted back warmly. I smiled towards him but my glare didn't break for the rest of them.

I sure as fuck wasn't going to break, so who was?

"We're so sorry-."

"We should have told you-."

"I'm sorry-." They all said at once.

"Please shut the fuck up!"I sneered out. Silence. Their heads seemed to bow at the intensity of the deafening silence, a warning clear as day in the air.

"So who was going to tell me Camilla had a new boyfriend ? Oh right no it's husband isn't it. You know what just happend? I went to surprise Camilla and tell her how much I loved her and missed her. Do you know what I got? I walked in my bedroom and found the two of them having sex. How long was I out for?"

Jack piped up and answered for them shakily.

"6 and a half months Charlie."He replied softly. I nodded.

"You should talk to her."Camilla's dad recommended.

"Oh what a fabulous idea, I'll give her time out of my day to try and explain exactly why I just walked in on her having sex with someone who wasn't me."
"And on top of the sex part, she's devoted her life to the prick. So no I will not be 'talking' to your daughter." I snapped and marched out of the station, Jack hot on my heels.


"C, wait." I stopped and turned to him.

"What?" I said broken. His expression softened.

"She was wrong, she thought you were going to die."Be said truthfully, regretting it straight away.

"She didn't wait for me."I whispered out and turned and walked to my car.


I headed back to my house, slamming the door behind me and making my way up to my bedroom and lying uncomfortably on my bed after the events that had taken place on it earlier.

"Who are you ?" A voice asked curiously. Camilla's husband.

I got up and headed towards him, stuck my hand out for an introduction.

"You first sir." I said calmly.

"Jayden."he offered his hand.

"Charlie."I clasped onto his hand and shook it.

"Charlie who?" he digged.

"Monaco, sir." he stiffened in front of me and his handshake became firmer.

"Ah" he whispered out, recognition covering his face. "You're the Charlie." He said becoming calmer.

"I suppose I am."I let go of his hand, ripped the bed sheets off and turned back to him.

"I think these are yours."I said, shoving them in his arms.

"Yes erm s-sorry about that."

"Just get out." I said. He scurried out the room and I slammed the door behind him.

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