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Camilla's POV

The past days she's been back have made my mind wonder into areas that it shouldn't go to. I've found myself sat and comparing the two of them. How different they were and how one did this and the other did that. And yet, I didn't know which one I preferred. I'm married for god's sake so I should prefer Jayden, but my heart just wouldn't let go of Charlie.


Charlie's POV

I rubbed my head and piece together my opening sentence. I turned to the best friend first.

"Look, I don't know whether you're a nice person or not, but so far you really haven't been, you have proven to be a real bitch when you don't even know the full story, these people know exactly who I am, it's you that's new around here...I can't believe how little I mean to you all. I can't believe that I wasn't around for six months and no one made any effort to bring my bane up in conversation. I get it. I wasn't here, I wasn't around to talk about. At least I know how it will be if I ever died."

"What are you to Camilla?"Jayden and Camilla's best friend asked at the same time. I looked at them then to Camilla.

"Nothing." I whispered out, a tear sliding down my cheek as I aggressively wiped it away.

"What's your name?" I asked the best friend.

"Meghan." she said quietly.

"Meghan."I said. She nodded in my direction but was deep in thought.

"So, when are you leaving?"Jayden asked.

"Excuse me, if anyone's leaving it's going to be you, believe me."

"No, this is my fucking house, get out." He rushed towards the radio and I stood still not affected.

"Get this woman out of here!" he ordered down the radio. Camilla stood silent.

A group of guards with guns rushed in. I had my back to them.
"Turn around slowly, hands in the air."

"Stand down." I said seriously.
Jayden looked at me amused and smirked.

"Turn around!" they shouted in unison.
I spun on my heels and face them.

"I said, stand down, disobey an order again I dare you!"I shrieked towards them. They cowered and moved back, guns to their sides, welcoming me back with a salute.

"Yes boss!" they said in unison.
I turned back to Jayden.

"Out."I said to him.

He looked utterly confused. "I'll call Mr Henderson and get you all fired." he threatened towards them but they knew full well that now I was back , they were under my rules.

He radiod Mr Henderson but Boss came instead.

"Where's Camilla's father?" he shouted towards boss.

"I'd watch that tone of yours sir, Charlie wanted them off the premises, so they're all at the little cabin on the outskirts of the first gate."

"They should be here, get them here now!" He ordered. I took a menacing step towards him and Camilla grabbed him towards her.

"I'd watch it" I said evilly. He cowered and Meghan laughed at how afraid he was.

"You'd be no good at being in charge." she joked towards him.

"Now, get out." I said to him. The best friend left after offering me a civil smile and a small wave towards Camilla. But the other two stayed.

I raised my eyebrow at them both.
"Just who are you?" Jayden asked, all smugness gone, just curiosity was left.

I chuckled and shook my head.
"Camilla will tell you."

"She's Charlie, the Charlie."

"Yes, yes, but she's not just the Charlie is she, who is she Camilla?" He spoke menacingly towards her.

"Watch the tone." I snapped at him and he nodded respectfully my way.

"Fine, I'll say it. I loved Camilla. Way mire than anyone could ever understand, I had an accident, ended up in a coma. Then I wake up and find that everyone's moved on."I said looking down feeling my emotions flood over me all at once. I grabbed onto the counter feeling dizzy, in which Jayden and Boss both noticed and came rushing towards me.

"Jayden, don't you dare." Camilla snapped at him, making all three heads shoot in her direction.

"Camilla, Charlie nearly fainted for fuck sake." he said back calmly. I tapped his shoulder as a thank you and just kept hold of Boss.

"She's not worth it, don't even go there." she said quietly, it stung like a bitch.

"I-I'm not worth it?"I choked out.

Unwilling To Hate You (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now