Season 2 Chapter 1 : Promise

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The day after the League of Villains attacked USJ, the school was temporarily closed. Ben was currently heading to U.A. high school to finish up his last treatment from Recovery Girl. During the fight with the villain Nomu, Ben had 3 broken bones on the left side of his rib cage. Recovery Girl couldn't heal him fully in one day so the teachers gave Ben permission to come to school the next day only to get his treatment. But as Ben was walking to the school he was deep in thought about the day the League of Villains attacked him and his class.

Ben finally reached the nurses office and was undergoing his treatment, and was now fully recovered.

Recover Girl : There, your ribs are now completely healed.

Ben : *exhausted* Thank you, Recovery Girl...

Recovery Girl : You should be grateful that you only had a few broken ribs. Your aliens may be powerful but they're not invincible.

Ben only looks down with a sad look. Recovery Girl notices this and then sighs while grabbing a piece of candy from her desk and handing it out to Ben.

Recovery Girl : Just remember you have limits. I swear kids these days are too reckless.

Ben : *laughs nervously while taking the candy* I'll keep that in mind.

Ben then stands up and leaves the  nurses office while enjoying the candy that he received from Recovery Girl, but as he was walking through the hall, out of no where he hears a voice calling his name.

Tsukauchi : Hey, Ben.

This made Ben jump as the candy he was eating when down his throat an he started to choke. Tsukauchi was looking at Ben with confusion while the wielder of the Omnitrix was flailing around and struggling to breath. Finally Ben was able to swallow the piece of candy and was able to breath.

Ben : *panting* I.... thought.... I was... gonna die...

Tsukauchi : What are you doing?

Ben angrily turns around and goes up to Tsukauchi.

Ben : What am I doing?! I almost died because of your little stunt!

Tsukauchi : I just called your name.

Ben : Yeah and that almost made me choke to death!

Tsukauchi : *chuckles* Well then you better get better at sensing people around you.

Ben : *grunts angrily* Whatever, I'm going home.

Ben then starts to walk away but Tsukauchi stops him.

Tsukauchi : Seeing how you're waling normally without any pain means that you're fully recovered. I'm glad.

Ben : *stops walking and turns to Tsukauchi* Yeah. yeah. That's my reason for being here, so what's yours?

Tsukauchi : I'm getting ready to talk to the principal and some teachers about the events about yesterday. Speaking of which, what you did was pretty dangerous. You've done some other dangerous stunts in the past, but I think this one takes the cake.

Tsukauchi then sees Ben looking at the ground and was silent.

Tsukauchi : I want to ask you a question. You went up with the brain villain while you were one of your strongest aliens. How strong was he?

Ben turns around and then speaks.

Ben : That's the most stupidest question you've asked me. That thing was able to take on All Might at 100%, and on top of that the villain easily took me down while I was Rath and gave me a couple broken ribs. It was too strong for me...

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