Chapter 3 First Night

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We got back to the house after an hour long trek because of how long and far I had sprinted and I got the chance to see the exterior of the house.

It was a two story house and was bricked with grey bricks. You couldn't see the house from a distance due to the tall trees and thick vegetation of the woods.

I didn't speak to any of the lads ahead of me even when they tried to talk to me; to see if I was alright. To be honest this wasn't what I thought being kidnapped would be like but I wasn't complaining. It got me away from certain nightmares.

Louis opened the door with his key and pushed the blackish wood door open, walking in. The others followed him in as they made their way to the living room. I followed them in but stopped in the little space between the kitchen and the living room.

I looked towards them with a blank face to see them all staring at me. Their eyes held concern and it looked so sincere.

But they don't care for you. Its all a lie.

The voice was loud and clear in my head. I agreed to the persuasive voice. Of course they don't care. I closed my hands into tight fists the action going unnoticed by the others. I uncurled them slowly, my hands shaking.

They all look like they want to ask or say something and I was thankful that they didn't. They looked back into my eyes and I felt myself calm down. I took a deep breath before thinking on something to say.

"Thank you," I said sincerely after a moment of silence. My voice startled them a bit and I didn't wait for any replies before turning towards the stairs and climbing them. I didn't even know what I was thanking them for. Finding me in the woods when I ran or for kinda saving me by kidnapping me? Maybe both.

I made my way towards my room and closed the door behind me with a sigh. I noticed a clock on the little table next to me that read three o'clock pm.

I felt drained and tried from walking, running and crying. I walked over to the still made bed, undisturbed since I woke upon it. I kicked off my shoes and didn't bother with my clothes as I flung the blankets off and climbed under them.

They smelled fresh and were so warm that I found myself drifting easily and quickly. I closed my heavy eyelids and prayed for a dreamless sleep.


I woke up to the sun fading as it down meaning it was dusk. I sat up slowly blinking the sleepiness from my eyes and checked the clock. It was almost 8 pm. I looked up towards the little window above the bed and saw that the sun was indeed going down.

I sat there just admiring the sunset when I heard footsteps coming towards my door. There wasn't a room next to mine except the wall that ended the hallway.

I stayed still, staring at the door, waiting for it to be opened. The footsteps came to a stop and I held my breath. It seemed like the person in front of my door was debating whether or not to come in because nothing happened for a few minutes.

Then I heard a faint click. The footsteps started to walk away and I waited until I couldn't hear them anymore as they descended the stairs before jumping up and walking towards my door. I turned the knob but it didn't open. It was locked.

Surprise tingled in me. I supposed I shouldn't be too surprised and I wasn't. Just a little. After all I kinda was their captive and I couldn't really escape because I would get lost in the woods.

I sighed through my nose before walking back to the bed. My thoughts swam around in my mind, pulling me into their daze. They've been somewhat kind to me, nothing at all I would expect from them being captors. Maybe I could be friends with them. After they kinda saved me from a living hell.

Speaking of living hell, I doubt my mum has even realized that I'm gone. Today was Saturday, I was sure, so that meant no one would think about me after a while. I suppose that's a good thing, no one cared anyway and I gave up expecting them to. Don't even know why I still think they would.

You would think, I'm being a whiner, that I didn't have enough attention when I got plenty from being popular at school or being a charmer with the ladies and people. But to be honest I'm not. I'm sometimes practically invisible. Nobody asks for my opinion at school and I'm thrown into things that I don't want to do. I take it all 'cause either can't stand up for myself for shit. The girls at school also don't know when to take a hint and I'm constantly biting my tongue to keep from yelling out that I like dick.

At home it's even worst. My sister ignored me, same as my mum until my sister went away then she would yell at me. Constantly. Yelling about how worthless I am, that I'm fag, that she didn't want a son like me. Sometimes she wouldn't let me eat and would force me to sleep down in the basement as punishment for the simplest things for the longest time.

And thats when I realized I've never had true friends. Except for my thoughts along with the voice thats always right and my razor who I've left behind now.

A noise broke me from my daze and I am now aware of the faint sting on my arm. I looked down to see that I subconsciously scratched at the scars on my arms. Ugly red lines popped against my porcelain skin.

The noise happened again except it was a bit different and I realized what it truly was. Howls.

I scrambled up onto my bed towards the window. I was a bit too tall to stand fully on my bed so I knelt on one knee and looked out into the night. The moon was out again and it was just as bright as yesterday when I was out in the meadow before I got snatched.

The howls happened again and it sounded like more than one wolf was out there. Maybe thats why one of the lads locked me in my room. But it didn't make sense.

Movement caught my eye as something flash acrossed the ground below my view of the window. My eyes tried to follow it but it was too fast.

Then something appeared that made my heart get caught in my throat.

There it was. The dangerously beautiful wolf that I saw just before I blacked out in the meadow. The one that attacked me.

It sat in front of the view of my window and stared up. Up at me. It was like the wolf was staring straight into my eyes. I stared right back into it's oceans for eyes and I couldn't help but get a sense of familiarity. It's ocean eyes and it's coffee colored fur coat reminded me of one person.

The wolf suddenly howled up into the night and dashed off. I was left staring at the spot it sat in, in a daze. I shook my head lightly breaking the trance before sliding down the bed and covering myself with the blankets.

One thought ran through my mind as I drifted off to a dreamless sleep. That wolf's eyes and fur coat reminded me alot of one certain feathered hair man who lived in this house and was one of my captors.



A/N: so how did you like the chapter? He's figuring things out! hoped you liked it! Please comment and vote! :)

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