Chapter 4 Isolated

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The next three days were terrible. Today was currently Tuesday and I was sitting in the same spot I've been in since the first night I've stayed. In the corner of my room next to the edge of my bed, hidden away partly from the view of the door.

I only got up to go to the bathroom when everyone was downstairs or in their rooms. They still lock my door at night.

I already figured out that they all turned into wolves. Or maybe I'm just crazy.

Being a fag makes you crazy. No one wants a crazy fag like you.

Tears made their way to me again for what felt like the millionth time these past three days. I constantly ich for my razor, my blade.

My "captors", I guess I would call them, have been checking on me everyday and I was surprised. They started to bring food and had even tried talking to me. Even if it was a one sided conversation, they would stay for thirty minutes to an hour and I was thankful that they didn't ask about my puffy eyes or red teared stained face. I would never cry in front of them.

I felt differently towards that. I didn't know how to feel about that. Nobody cares to talk to me or bother with me sometimes. So why would they?

They pity you. Thats what you deserve. Pity for a worthless life.

Tears feel harder and I choked back a sob. The voice has been bothering me nonstopped. I banged my head against the wall as I scratched harder at my arm, close to drawing blood.

I was so close to drawing blood, for that pain of relief, when I heard a knock at my door. I stopped immediately and wiped my cheeks quickly, willing my tears to stop.

My door opened and closed to reveal Louis with a plate of food. I don't know why they bring it. Probably to keep me alive. Not that I ate it.  Louis was usually the one who brings me food and sits and talks for the longest.

Usually I wait until he leaves or if someone else came with a snack until they leave before going to the bathroom and flushing it. Sometimes I would eat, a nibble here or there. But not enough to satisfy the pain of the grumbling in my stomach begging for food, to relieve it. But I didn't want to relieve it. I welcomed the pain because its what I deserve.

The smell of pizza hit the air and my stomach reacted immediately by growling loudly. Louis chuckled lightly before setting the plate on the small table. I would be lying if I said that his chuckle didn't make my heart flutter.

I don't know what was going on but whenever I'm around him the voice goes away and I feel calmer. But at the same time he makes my heart go into overdrive when he's near or looking at me.

"Zayn ran to the nearest town and got pizza before it got to late to go. Though that I'd bring you some," he said into the room. I felt the bed dipped next to me meaning he sat down. He sighed.

"I know you won't talk but...I'm sorry." I raised an eyebrow and peaked up at him. I met his eyes instantly and was entranced by them. My heart started to beat faster. His eyes held so much concern and worry that the voice in my head couldn't tell me that it wasn't real no matter how many times it says it.

I saw the sincerity.

I peaked at the clock and it read seven. Usually he leaves at eight when the sun starts to go down and locks my door. It was kinda a routine developed during the three days I've been here.

I broke eye contact as I remembered that I was still staring. He sighed again and I felt movement. I looked up to see him closer to me before. I scooted away a bit until my back hit the wall next to me. He frowned at that but moved again to sit on the edge of the bed so he was sitting in front of me.

He spoke again.

"I noticed that you don't eat when I'm around or when the others are around. I don't want to force you to eat but you are a bit too thin," he got up and walked over to the plate before grabbing it. He walked back to me and held out the plate in front of him.

"Please just eat a little bit," I looked from the plate and then back to his eyes. My breathing hitched at the sight of them. They were filled with begging and concern towards me. It felt so real and before I knew it, I nodded and took the plate, grabbing the pizza before nibbling off a piece.

He smiled softly at me, his eyes brightening as he watched me eat. I ate slowly but surely. Taking my time so I wouldn't upset my stomach.

The time had past and I finished a whole slice. I put the plate down as Louis smiles at me and bends down to take it. He checks the clock behind him and sighs. He gets up and I know it was time for him to leave and lock the door.

He walked towards the door before stopping to look back into my eyes. The eye contact was intense and an unfamiliar emotion filled me.

"Night," he spoke so softly that my ears strained to hear him and before he walked out, I couldn't stop myself from saying it back.

"Night," my voice rasped. He turned back to me in surprise before smiling widely at me and I melted a bit at the sight. He walked out then and closed the door locking it.

The room darkened even more as I sat there. I waited for a bit before going to the window. This was a nightly routine when I start to hear the howls. I climbed my bed and took my spot in front of the window.

Since the first night, I stayed in the this spot at night fall to hear the howls and to see the wolf that I believe is Louis. We would stare at each other and I would feel that unfamiliar emotion flood me again before he would howl at the night sky and sprint away to who knows where.

His wolf walked to his spot and for the first time, I smiled a small smile that I knew he could see from where I was with his surely heightened eyes. He stood and inched closer with what sounded like a happy howl. His oceanous eyes glowed brightly, sparkling in the night as they stared deeply into mine.

We stayed like that for a moment or two before he howled again and running off to do whatever he does.

I slide down the bed, climbing under the covers before sighing.

Then I got to thinking about the others and to why I was here. And I didn't know why I was here or even if they were what I though they were.

Tomorrow, I decided I needed explanations and I was going to get them.

I drifted off into a dreamless sleep then, determined for tomorrow and this time instead of not dreaming, I dreampt of a wolf with beautiful oceans eyes that I was sure I wanted to drown in.


A/N: so what did you think? He's going to get answers! And its already starting! Hes starting to fall for Louis! Yay!! Please comment and vote! :)

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