Chapter 23 Hybrid

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I was startled awake from a punch to my gut. I groaned at the pain that shivered through my chest from the bruises already there.

"Wakey, wakey, Harry," Kroan taunted with a fake high pitched voice. I didn't make eye contact. I focused my gaze on the floor.

Thats when I noticed something was different.

My eyes seemed sharper as I could make out millions of mini cracks in the concrete floor of my cell. Cracks normal human eyes wouldn't -couldn't- be able to see. My hearing seemed to be heightened as well I could make out the gentle padding of a mouse who squeaked as he looked for food. I could hear Kroan's heartbeat along with a couple other people who were in the cell. My sense of smell was heightened too as I could smell the metallic tang of steel along with the faint penny smell of blood from other cells.

I felt different. My body was different. I felt stronger yet still weak with these chains. My head flash with memories of the moments that happened before I blacked out.

I whipped my head to Kroan and made a noise a human should never be able to make. A deep, low, threatening growl. I remembered what he did. The pain of it as it seared through my body. His fangs as they digged into my neck.

He turned me by force.

Tears threatened my eyes but I pushed them back. I would not give him the satisfaction. Lou was supposed to turn me in a werewolf but he took that away by turning me into the opposite.

"What did you do too me?!" I exclaimed at him. I already knew what he did but I wanted him to confirm it. A hard blow slammed into the side of my head, snapping it to the side. I clenched my jaw to not make a noise as blood dripped from my nose into my mouth. I hung my head taking deep breaths to calm the anger and frustration that spiked.

"Well, young Harry. I think you already know what I did to you," his voice was condescending with amusement. His footsteps sounded in front of me and my face was yanked harshly up to meet his eyes by his grip on my chin. I bit my tongue to keep from biting out.

"You were an experiment, young Harry and it seems you passed," he smirked at me coldly and confusion filled me. He sees the confusion and his smirk widens.

"You're a tamer which means you have werewolf blood. Since taming your friends and mate that blood has activated lets say. But you are interesting. You have Alpha werewolf blood. Smelled disgusting but powerful. When I turned you, my vemon did fight against your mark and your alpha blood but soon it fused. Just like how I wanted it to be. You aren't the first of my experiments but you're the first to succeed without dying," he explained. My stomach filled with dread at the thought of his other experiments.

He drops my chin and I just let it hang, feeling weaker at the thought of being his experiment and hurting Lou. I knew when he turned me it hurt him as much as it hurt me with our bond. I prayed Lou was ok and he got caught of where I was just in time before he knocked me out the first time.

"I must say," he hummed. "You turned out better than I thought." His footsteps were calculated as he walks around me like he was analyzing me.

"You have the claws of a wolf. Teeth of a wolf and vamp fused. Ears of a wolf too," he yanked on one of my supposed ears hard and I cried out from the sensitive, harsh pain. "And lastly my favorite. The eyes."

His footsteps stopped in front of me again. He yanked me up to his eye level by my hair. I give a small painful yelp as I meet his evil smile and amused, calculating eyes.

"Pitch black eye on the right. Glowing emerald green on the left. Shows both your wolf and vampire sides. A wonderful, deadly Hybrid," his evil smile grows and I shiver from the coldness of it. "You're my new little pet. I'm going to teach you so many new tricks." Anger flashed in my eyes and I saw red. I spat at his face and growled.

"I'm not you're fucking pet!" I spat at him like the idea of it was vemon. He wipes my spit off of his face with his own clawed nail. He meets my eyes and I shrink back in fear from the deep swirling rage in his now deep black eyes.

I couldn't register what had happened before I feel stinging pain across my face. My head goes to the side from the impact and I feel my warm blood drip down my face. I took deep breaths to to try and calm my uneven breathing and racing heart. I'm yanked by my hair harshly towards Kroan. I cried in pain as tears prickled my eyes and meet his pits for eyes.

"You will do as I say and learn what I teach. Or your precious mate will die," he spat at my face. I grit my teeth to stop myself from making any noise. He released my hair to turn and walk towards the door. I held my breath when he stopped.

"You start tomorrow. I'm sure you're hungry," I could hear the smirk in his voice and thats when I let the first tear fall. Him and the other vampires that were in my cell walked out wordlessly, leaving me in darkness as the lights cut.

I could see through the darkness now with my new eyes and thats when I break. I wanted Lou to turn me and now I was forced to be the opposite. He took that right away Louis and me, by taking my humanity. Now I was a mere puppet to Kroan.

He mentioned being hungry. I was too busy being fearful and watchful of Kroan that I didn't feel the hungering pains and my dry throat.

I cried harder as I yanked on the chains, trying to break free. I couldn't feel Lou through our bond, I couldn't feel him in my mind.

The hunger grew now and I was very very hungry. I tried to ignore it as I focused on me and Louis's bond.

Just hoping. Hoping that he will find me soon and take me away from this torture.


A/N: Vampire/werewolf  hybrid Harry, huh? What do you guys think? Please comment and vote! :)

Snatched (L.S AU)✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin