Chapter 17 Marked

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After the movie, I noticed that it was getting a bit dark outside. Louis noticed to and a look of worry crossed his face lightly.

"Its getting a bit dark," Liam commenting which meant he noticed it too.

"Yeah," Louis nodded. His hold tightened a bit on me and I snuggled closer to his side.

"What happens if we turn? That we don't have control?" Niall asked a bit nervously.

"Then it means you don't have full control and that your wolf isn't fully tamed," Louis explained. "Haz just has to try again."

"And I will," I insisted. The lads all gave me warm smiles before we all turned to look back at the window, watching as the sun slowly dipped down the sky making everything outside darker and darker.

I get why they didn't want to turn. Imagine just being in your body with no control and sometimes no memory of what you did during the night and then waking up in the middle of the woods, having to find your way back home. I get it and I want to help 'cause they clearly wanted control.

The sun fully disappeared and it was pitch black out with no moon. We all collectively held our breaths, waiting for anything to happen. After about five minutes had passed and nobody had turned, we all let out a breath of relief.

"I think you tamed us, H!" Niall cheered. I smiled at back.

"Thank you," Zayn breathed. "I know I'm the youngest wolf here but seriously. I hated knowing that we would be force into our wolves and would have no idea what we were doing," He shook his head, the others agreeing.

"Can't believe you're a tamer though. Its amazing," Liam said in awe. I muttered my thanks to them.

"Well, I'm tired boys. It was fun wrestling with you guys but I'm knackered," Niall yawned and stretched.

"Yeah," Liam chuckled and got up as well with Zayn.

"It was fun to watch though," I said taking Louis's hand he held out for me as he stood up. They chuckled at me and I joined in.

Then I was surprised as I was pulled into a group hug. I welcomed it and hugged them back.

"Thanks, H," Liam said as Zayn and Niall joined in saying their thanks as well. We pulled back and I nodded towards them.

"Well, night lads," Niall said with a small wave while he dashes up the stairs. We laugh at him before following, Liam and Zayn in front of me and Louis.

We climbed the stairs and muttered our goodnights to Liam and Zayn as they stepped into their room which left me with Louis. As I reached back to my door I turned back to him.

"Do you want to stay with me?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"You want me too?" I nodded and he smiled. "Ok." He followed me into my room and I sat on the bed. He sits next to me with our sides touching.

It was silent for a good moment, the only sounds of our steady breathing. I wanted to know about thus mate thing, it just wouldn't leave my mind.

"So...this mate thing," I started slowly as I remembered Louis telling me that we're mates. I wanted to know everything about it. Being a werewolf and their world was interesting to me and I adjusted to it quickly. The idea of having a mate didn't really faze me. If Louis wanted to go fast in our relationship that won't bother me. Same as the idea of having a mate, a soulmate, now.

"Um... what about it? Do you not like the idea of a mate?" Louis asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"No. I accept it. Its just what do we do?" I asked a bit unsure.

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