Chapter 11 Take my pain away

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I woke up slowly with tears already falling as I remembered what I had did with the familiar burning sensation on my arms. I was laying on my bed and my room was dark. The only sound in the room was hushed conversations. I slowly moved my head slightly to side and caught sight of four silhouettes facing away from me. I took the chance to sit up quietly and slowly scoot into the corner from where my bed was pushed up against the wall to listen to what they were talking about.

"But what if he doesn't wake up?" A familiar voice said desperately.

"Its been a day Louis. Hes suffered from blood loss. He will wake up," Zayns voice filled the air.

"What do we do when he does?" Louis asked.

"We don't know, Louis. But we think its best if you talk to him alone first. He might open up to you," one voice said. I recognized it as Liam's.

"Yeah. We all want to help him. We all consider him as our friend but we might overwhelmed him," another Irish voice added. Niall.

"But what if he doesn't even want to talk to me? We can't let him be trapped in his own mind. We can't let him do that to himself again," Louis's voice was hurt.

"If he doesn't want to talk then you talk to him. Ask him why or just tell him that we're all here if he wants to talk," Zayn said calmly. "We do want to help, Louis. But we can't if he doesn't want it. But we all feel like you could help him open up the most. Just try and if he doesn't want to talk then we'll it leave at that but we'll be there for him, all of us." They fell silent. I was afraid that they might catch me awake but they couldn't see me.

Its hard to believe that they want to help me and I can't help but feel endeared. They actually considered me as one of their friends.

Then I felt the bandages. They fixed me. Maybe they are real. Maybe they could help. But its hard when for so long I've been beaten and abused and taught that I was worthless all because of who I would love and who I was. Tears still fell from my eyes. My head was pounding heavily and I couldn't decide if the voice is lying or not but I truly wanted these four lads to be true friends to me. The thought made even more tears fall.

"I'll try for him," Louis said finally.

"Ok. We'll leave you with him until he wakes up. When you guys are done, just get us, alright mate?" Niall said. I couldn't see through the dark but I imagined him nodding as my door opened and the three of them walked out. I heard Louis sighed but I didn't hear any movement. I guess this is my chance.

"Why do you want to help me?" My voice rang through the quiet air of my room. His head whipped to me and my breathing stopped as I held his eyes. They were glowing a beautiful deep blue glow. He walked closer to me, keeping his steps cautious as if he thought I would run. I would never run. Not from him.

"Because we care, Harry. I care," he said slowly as he stopped at the edge of my bed. I shook my head.

"You don't," I croaked through my tears. He sat on my bed and twisted his body so he was in front of me.

"I do," he reached out and I closed my eyes. Surely he wouldn't hit me but what was I supposed to expect?

But no hit came.

Instead, a warm, sweet hand caressed my cheek and his finger gingerly wiped the tears that fell. My heart skipped a beat at the intimate gesture and I had to force myself not to lean into his hand and keep my eyes closed.

"Why did you do it, Harry?" His voice was so soft and caring as if he were asking glass that could break with a touch.

"Because I deserve it. Because I want it to go away," I answered with a bitter taste in my mouth.

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