Chapter 8 More Questions, More Answers

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After breakfast, I had taken all the plates and cleaned up. The others offered to help but I waved them off when they tried to do anything.

When I was done cleaning, I walked over to where the others were and sat in the loveseat with my knees tucked in. Zayn and Niall were playing the same violent game, cursing at each other or cheering when they've won.

It was amusing to watch them bicker and shove each other. I've decided that if I truly wanted to become their friends, I would have to try. I don't know why I was hesitating.

Probably because nobody before would try to get to know the real me. Probably because nobody cared before.

But I would try. So I've thought up questions I would ask to get to know them.

"How old are you guys?" I asked out of the blue through the cheers, curses and shouts. Louis looked at me first as Zayn, Niall and Liam were too enthralled with the game.

"I'm 23, Zayn and Liam are 22 and Niall is 21," he answered. "How 'bout you, Haz?" I mentally smiled widely at the nickname before answering him.

"I'm 19." He nodded. We stayed silent for a moment just listening to the others before I broke it.

"Are there others beings than werewolves out there? Like vampires and stuff?" I turned my head from the TV towards him.

"Just vampires and us."

"How long have you've been a werewolf?"

"Well, I'm the only here born one. I've been one for over 25 years since I've gained immortality. Niall's been one for over 23 years. Liams been one for over 20 years and Zayn's been one for over 16 years. We're all immortal if you were thinking why we haven't aged a bit. We count the age of when gained our immortality as our age for when we go into town on rare occasions, " he answered as he turned to look at me. I nodded my head at him. That made sense.

"What 'bout you, curly? What do you do?" Louis asked then. I raised my eyebrow a little at the new nickname, seeming as he called me a different one but wasn't going to question it. I had to think about Louis's question.

The things I used to do before I came out I didn't do now because my mum wouldn't let me. Its been a while since I've ever done something that truly made me happy and not what everyone else did. I would always be dragged to parties where drugs and alcohol would be used. To show that I was apart of the crowd I did what they did.

Ron, one of the main popular kids, was the worse. He pressured me all the time and when I tried to say no to the drinks or joints he would start calling me names like I was a pussy or a piece of shit. Words I were used to and yet hurt so bad.

"I like music. I like to write and sing it. And cooking, I love to cook," I answered finally, breaking out of my thoughts.

"Really? Do you play anything?" He asked. He sat up with his eyes sparkling. It was hard to not believe that he was interested on what I had to say.

He's fooling you. He doesn't care no one cares about what you say or do.

I agreed with the voice despite Louis's sparkling eyes but answered him nonetheless.

"I play guitar. I haven't played in a while but I can play it."

"I think Niall has a guitar. Would you play for us sometime?" He asked scooting closer to me from the couch he was sitting on next to the loveseat I was in. My heart swelled a bit the action and at the excitement that seemed to be radiating from the feathered hair man in front of me.

"Maybe," I said nodding my head slowly. His smile widened and I smiled back.

"Thats a promise," he chirped. I chuckled at him before looking back at the game. Niall cheered loudly while Zayn cursed like a sailor as the game indicated that Niall had won. He stood up and started to do a little victory jig and everyone busted out laughing. I joined in as we watched the Irish man finish his dance with jazz hands.

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