➴ Stealing Estelle ➴

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"Do you think mom would be mad if we stole her daughter for Christmas?" I asked my boyfriend looking thoughtful. He looked up from our three year old daughter, with both eyebrows raised.

"I'd assume so, though me may be able to steal her for Christmas eve or the day after Christmas." He told me before cradling our child to his chest.

"Mommy! Is Estelle coming?" Helen squealed, her blonde hair falling in front of her eyes. I smiled at her and leaned back into the couch as she cuddled into her father.

"She might. I'll have to ask my mom first." I told Helen with a smile on my face. I got up and ruffled her hair, going into her bedroom to grab warm clothes. I didn't want her to get to cold when we ventured into Manhattan, even though that would be hard as she was the daughter of the sun god.

When the daughter of Apollo saw me come back in the room she immeaditly raised her arms in demand. Apollo gave her to me and went to stand up to go to the Olympian meeting happening in a few minutes.

He pulled me into a quick kiss, then he kissed the top of the three year old toddler in my arms. She giggled as his stubble ticked his forehead.

"You need to shave." I chuckled.

"Shave?" Apollo asked wiggling his eyebrows. "Where exactly?"

"Oh my Gods! Shut up!" I blushed, pushing him away from me. He told us to look away then disappeared in a flash of gold light.
~ line break ~

I knocked on my mother's front door, I could hear faint Christmas music in the apartment but it was muffled by the door. Helen had fallen asleep in my arms before we could even get off of Mount Olympus.

It took awhile for the door to open, but when it did Paul was standing there looking grumpy with flour on his face.

"Percy! How are you my boy?" He asked me pulling me into a loose hug.

"I'm doing pretty great! How are you?" I asked him. I could hear mom laughing from within the apartment.

"I'm doing good. Come in come in." He ushered me inside of his home that had a strong scent of peppermint and gingerbread. My ten year old sister was sitting on a stool rolling cookie dough with her mom.

"Who was at the door Paul?" My mom asked my stepfather without looking up from the cookie she was rolling in the palm of her hand.

"Your son." Paul called back to her. My mother snapped her head so quick it had me shocked. In a matter of seconds I was engulfed in a tight hug.

"Percy, I missed you!" She looked like she was a few minutes from crying. I snuggled in the crook of her shoulder. She gave me a small smile before looking down at Helen.

My baby's face was still nuzzled to my chest. Paul came back into the kitchen, this time not having flour on his face.

"How's Apollo?" The brown haired women asked me once she saw Apollo wasn't with me.

"He's good, he has to be at a meeting right now." I told her. "Can we steal Estelle for Christmas eve?" I questioned her not wanting to beat around the bush. The married couple looked at each other speaking through their eyes.

"Don't come back to late, so drop her off around ten. I don't want her coming home too hyper or with Apollo's attitude when she comes back." Paul stated. I didnt know what he meant by Apollo's attitude but I decided to just roll with it.

"Is Apollo going to be making cookies?" Estelle quizzed.

"Nope, I know how much you like blue cookies." I smirked. She always said that
Apollo's cookies were boring because he didn't color them. Usually I made the food around the house, because Apollo worked long hours. Plus, I didn't want to eat food at 12 in the morning waiting for Apollo.

"I'm officially moving in with you guys." Estelle told me. My mom smirked and went back to baking the cookies.

"I am not raising two children right now. I can barely handle the rascal in my arms." I smiled. Estelle stuck her tongue out at me throwing a ball of cookie dough at my head.

I easily caught the ball in my hand and hurled it back at her. It hit her straight on her nose with a splat!

She scrunched her eyebrows together, not thinking it was actually going to hit her or that I was actually going to retaliate.

I sat down on the couch in the living room falling into a easy conversation with my mortal family.

I didn't realize that I had been in Manhattan so long until Apollo knocked on the front door telling me that it was past eleven at night.

"I didn't even realize that is was so late." I told my boyfriend. Helen raised her hands with a giggle when she say her dad. The sun god took her and put her to his chest.

"I just wanted to pick you up." He smirked. I pulled myself off of the couch giving my mom and Paul a hug.

"Okay well we are going to steal Estelle now, we'll bring her back tomorrow!" I gave my mom a comforting smile. She always grew a little bit nervous when Estelle was on Olympus as there were many other Gods and Goddesses that were so unpredictable.

Estelle gave both of her parents hugs, then ran after Apollo and I with a handful of blue cookies.

"I'm surprised that you are still awake." I commented looking back at Estelle to see if she was still following us.

"I'm not four Percy! I can stay up as long as I want!" She exclaimed like I had just insulted her.

"Yeah but Apollo is old and I still make him go to bed at a decent time!" I told her.

"I go to bed when I want to!" Apollo exclaimed in the same way that Estelle did. "If anything i make you go to bed at a reasonable time!"

"Blah blah blah." I stuck my tongue out at both of of them. I took Helen out of Apollo's arms and slid her in her car seat, Estelle then slid in the backseat next to her.

"You should let me drive!" I called to Apollo.

"You'd kill us all, even me and I'm a God!"
"How rude." I mumbled.

"I have a teacher that could date you! and he'd let you drive! Estelle commented.

Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now