No, I can't be

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Pravna's Letter Continuation

Karthick. Father of my child.

I am repeating the same, Anna. Don't judge him before reading it completely.

After, I joined this college. I saw Karthick so many times. Every time, I don't know why? But he impressed me without doing anything.

I love his normal nature itself. His softness, his character, his calmness, his love for his friends. I loved everything about him and I still love him.

I started to stalk him without his notice in college. Even I befriended you because I know you are close to him. After I got close to you, I started to think of you as my own brother. We have become very close within this small period.

When I started to know more about him, I can see his love for Anitha. I tried to control my feelings once I got to know about this, but I can't.

I have been in my control when I am with him. I don't want to disturb him with my feelings when he is having a feeling for another person.

So, I will always admire him from distance and also I didn't get close to any of your friends when you introduced them to me as I don't want to be close to him. Because I am scared that my feeling will create any problem.

It was going well, but an unexpected thing happened because of my feelings for him.



Prava's Pov

Today is the birthday party of Anamika who is a classmate of Arjun Anna. She invited me when she invited Arjun Anna as I am also there. I don't want to go and at the same time, I want to go as Karthick will be there.

I was in dilemma and at last, my feelings for Karthick won. So, I dressed in a blue maxi dress which I bought for my Diwali.

Arjun Anna picked me up as I don't have my own vehicle. He dressed in a black cotton full sleeves shrug with a white t-shirt and blue jeans. My brother looked very handsome in that.

When we reached the venue, "Don't go alone anywhere, Pravna. Stay with me. Ok," Arjun Anna told.

" Ok, Arjun," I replied.

We went inside and congratulated the birthday girl. We gave our presents. I presented the planner for her while Arjun Anna presented the watch for her.

She thanked us with a cute smile and she wore the beautiful grand purple maxi. After that only, I noticed that Karthick came. He is sitting and chatting with Anitha and Swetha.

He has worn a black t-shirt with a blue denim jacket and black jeans. He is more handsome than anyone in this party for me.

Arjun Anna and I also joined them. I greeted them and they all greeted me with a smile.

His small 'Hi,' will always make jitters in my stomach. They all started to discuss some random thing while I started to admire him.

After some time, Swetha wanted to have some soft drink. So, she called anyone to accompany her. Karthick said that he will join her as he too wants to have some soft drink.

They both went to the DJ hall where they were providing soft drinks and hard drinks. We three started to speak with each other. I too want to go with him, but I don't want anyone to find about my feelings for him.

After half an hour also, they both didn't come back and it's already 8:30 pm. We three thought to check on them.

When we went inside the DJ hall, we are shocked to see that they both are drunk and dancing crazily. Anyone can say that they are drunk by their dance.

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