180. Act of Reality (13)

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Sia irritatedly threw the documents on the table and massaged her forehead.

There is literally no fault on these 2nd and 3rd male leads. As if, something invisible is shading their all faults.

Without a legit reason, she cannot kick them out of company. And no faults = No reason.

She has underestimated the power of plot way to much.

The sounds of knocking gave Sia some time to clear her messy mind. She softly said, "Come in."

Seeing the colourful chicken who came in, she just wanted to say again, never mind, please stay out!

Finn as usual wearing the most dazzling clothes reported, "There is someone who wants to meet you. But he seems suspicious!"

Sia became interested. She asked, "Suspicious in which sense?"

Finn replied with disgust, "He actually covered himself with clothes like a mummy! No sense of style or fashion. Hurts my eyes."

Sia gave a good look to Finn and said in her heart..... Your sense of fashion isn't better too!

But she doesn't dare to say anything on his face. Who knows how much money he will ask if she said it for harming his mental health!

Hearing Finn's description she didn't need guess who that might be, so she immediately said to let him up.

After 5min, a man tightly hidden by mask, cap and sunglasses entered. Sia looked at Mo Ting for a while and sighed......Is this modern mummy?

Looks like she did injustice to Finn.He described just right!

Mo Ting immediately started to take off his disguise and sighed with relief! These damn things almost made him melt! Oof so hot!

Sia saw Mo Ting was sweating so as a considerate wife, she lowered the temperature of the room for him.

Mo ting finally cooled down and sighed, "So much trouble to meet you!"

Sia smirked, "Really? Don't you think you caused trouble for me? Coming here in such suspicious way, don't you think people will say I am raising a milk dog!"

Mo Ting retorted, "I am not a milk dog! I am SUPER Fierce! I tell you!"

Sia, "..................." Sorry she forgot that Mo Ting always catches the wrong thing out of her sentence.

Literally misses her main meaning every time. His focus in always on weird points!

Mo Ting looked at all those papers on the table and asked, "Having trouble?"

Sia knocked her fingers on the table and nodded. Mo Ting looked over the papers quick and caught what was troubling Sia.

He asked suddenly, "Do you want to take a risk?"

Sia curiously asked, "What type of risk?"

Mo Ting looked solemnly at her and replied, "Destroy this company."

Sia was stunned by Mo Ting. She knows Mo Ting isn't an idiot when it comes to business. He meant something else with this sentence so she patiently waited for him to finish.

Mo Ting said, "Destroy this empire and rebuild a new one!" Sia exclaimed, "That's too much of a risk."

Mo Ting's lips twitched and he said, "At least try to be a little serious while saying that. You are smirking and a little lost. From this it's easy to understand that you already thinking how to imply this plan."

Sia coughed then walked over Mo Ting.

She smiled happily and kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you! That's a really good plan!"

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