162. Profiteer on the Floor (13)

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Sia looked around a large number of power users and sighed.

She then smiled at them and asked, "Hello, how may I help you? Oh, let me emphasize the word 'exchange'. I don't help for free, hehe."

A power user said, "You don't even need to."

Sia pouted, "Oh well then goodbye."

Another power user immediately stopped her. Sia looked at them for a while then asked, "So what's the reason behind this sudden visit?"

A power user came in front and said, "You have the power of healing. If scientists experiment on you then they can finally invent the zombie antidote."

Sia smiled, "And why should I help?"

That power user said, "If zombie virus gets invented then we can finally be free of the fear of zombie."

His eyes sparkled with the hope of a beautiful future... Pity that the future is never coming!

Because this is the era of zombie and Sia will do her best to get the zombies this world.

Suddenly some people made away. Blake and Iris emerge from the huge crowds.

Sia sneered, "So you two are the monkeys who went and spread this baseless rumor."

Iris looked at Sia and asked, "Is this baseless rumor?"

Sia smiled, "Smart. Yes, it's not. I can really help to make the zombie antidote."

The power users cheered loudly.

Sia immediately covered her ears then said, "But I won't let this antidote come out!"

A power user angrily shouted, "What do you mean?"

Sia smiled, "Simple. Doom of the human race and rise of the zombies."

Iris became angry, "Why? You are human yourself."

Sia yawned, "Well, I just hate humans maybe... Or I like a zombie."

Blake didn't want to even talk with Sia so he ordered, "Catch her."

Sia looked at the power users and smiled, "Sure but look behind first!"

Blake frowned. He thinks she is bluffing them but somehow again he feels he will see something bad if he looks behind.

Finally, curiosity won over him and he looked behind.

Blake is an Ice user but he also has sharp senses. Probably the male lead halo.

He could immediately see a large zombie army marching towards them.

He widens his eyes and asked, "You control zombies?"

Sia mockingly looked at him and said, "I really appreciate that you think I am that strong but I don't think such ability has been born yet."

Blake gritted his teeth, "Then how is that zombie army coming to save you?"

Sia smirked, "Unlike Iris, your girlfriend, I have a strong boyfriend. Want to know? He is the zombie king! Really strong, right?"

{Hero's Hatred Points: 80}

Sia smiled, "Now it's time for all of you to....." She whistled and showed the sky with her index.

Iris looked at Maria in horror. This is not the real Maria! Definitely not the real heroine of the book!

She is someone else! Maybe someone just like her!

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