115. Vampire Ancestor pets the Holy Priest (8)

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The butler slowly said, "My lady, it's not good for you to mix with a human priest. If you want a lover, you can find someone from the blood clans. If you agree, I can disp..........."

Before he could finish, Sia caught him by neck. Her red eyes shined like a bloody beast. Her lips arched in unbelievably evil smirk.

She slowly said, "If you dare to touch even a single hair of him, I will send you a luxury package of eighteen level of hell. After you suffered enough, I will bring you back and heal your soul then again send you back. It's free of charge."

The butler started to tremble. He somehow blurted out, "Yes, my lady."

Sia finally let go off the butler and left the room.

Butler looked at the retreating back of Sia. She deserves her name. Unlike the blood races who only knows she is an ancestor, his family knows more about her.

In fact, the legend of her has been passed down from generation to generation in their family. The name of blood devil, Silvera De Franscis.

She was a vampire who pulled the whole side branch of her family into glory just by herself alone. She is described as mysterious and absolutely cold hearted and merciless.

When he first saw her, he felt it was all rumor and exaggerated by his ancestor as the whole self of her was bathed in gentleness for that priest. But the eyes of his lady which he saw just now matches the description.

The eyes of a blood thirsty monster. The final weapon of royal family.

[ Host, you emotions are out of control. Calm down ]

Sia stayed silent but her body was shaking with rage.

[ Host now I will be using the method peace system gave me to calm you down ]

Suddenly in front of Sia, Gory scenes of last days started to play. Zombie eating human dead bodies. Their teeth bites on the human flesh as they rudely tried to separate the flesh from the body then slowly chewing the flesh.

With a fooush Sia's rage disappeared and she started to feel unwell. She wants to vomit!

With a weak voice Sia said, "System, stop it."

[ Host have you calmed down ]


[ Sure enough! Peace system gives the most peaceful advise ]

While Sia who was always quite careful about her language finally couldn't help it, "Which f**k is peace system? What kind of freaking peace advise was this?"

[ Host peace system said he plays XXX after his host had become normal seeing last days eating scenes ]

Sia, " .................. "

Suddenly felt her system is quite cute one.

Suddenly In Sia's mind three DVD's with exotic cover picture appeared.

[ Host, please select default XXX video. Goblin fight in bed I, II and III is here. Which one do you chose ]

She really needs to teach that peace system a lesson for teaching bad thing to her cute system (◣_◢)

Certain peace system's host calmly watched XXX video then said, "System, if you keep on like this, you will get busted one day! Cheer on, fighting!"

Peace system: ...................

Quick Transmigration: Destroy the heroine systemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon