121. Vampire Ancestor pets the Holy Priest (14)

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Mo Ting imprisoned Sia on the bed, leaving her no way to retreat, not that Sia feared.

After all, with this weak body of his, she doubts he can do anything to her.

Mo Ting kissed Sia's forehead then the bridge of her nose. After kissing her cheek, he pouted, "Next time, take a chubby body. You knows, those who have chubby cheeks! I think it feels good to kiss chubby cheek. I don't like this sharp cheek!"

Well, Sia couldn't help but admit, this body is sexy! Sharp face and good figure. But it's not so suitable for placing a kiss on cheek.

These sharp cheek are just the thing which can cool down one's heart which was suppose to burst with cuteness.

Mo Ting asked Sia while he was still hovering above her, "What plan are you hatching, showing PDA in front of heroine?"

Sia laughed, "I think you are the last person I need to tell from my own mouth. Haven't you already guessed?"

Mo Ting smiled. How could he not? Like Sia, he is veteran in these games. Showing weakness to lure the enemy.

Yes, showing off PDA was just Sia's plan. She wanted to let the whole vampire community know, the priest is her weakness. Knowing this how could the heroine stay away? She will do everything to catch Mo Ting and blackmail her!

That way she will give off a helpless person, a puppet under her hands. Which will only lead heroine to think, Sia can never betray her and then it will be easy to cause trouble for her right under her nose.

Besides, Mo Ting is no pure and innocent holy priest. He is also a destroyer. So, it's tempting for her to use him as a bait and cause fire in heroine's backyard.

Sia asked, "You don't want to do it? If it's that what you want, I will give you protection and change the plan."

Mo Ting bit Sia's earlobe and said, "Darling, don't worry. I will definitely light her backyard in fire. But I don't want protection. I want redemption."

Sia with a hint of laugh in her eyes, asked, "Are you sure you want me to clear the debt when you are in this body." As much as she know, this body................ may not be able to stand her strength.

Mo Ting's face became dark. Sia could even hear thunders in the background. 

Sia's suddenly had an idea to tease him. She turned him down and changed their position. Now, Sia is hovering above Mo Ting.

She tugged Mo Ting's collar which cause an immediate reaction from Mo Ting by holding his collar, not letting Sia to undress.

Sia smirked, "Don't worry since you wished for, I will be gentle!"

Mo Ting, "......................" Thank you but this baby doesn't accept your dominance in bed!

Mo Ting's eyes became teary and the smirk of Sia's face soon started to fell. Mo Ting saw the chance and continuously brewed grievousness. Because of his weak body, it was easy for him to do so.

Soon, big drops of tear fell from his eyes, making Sia feeling helpless.

She finally let go off Mo Ting and hugged him, "Fine. I won't do anything. Relax!"

Mo Ting gave himself a thumb up. Hehe, he could finally keep his dignity! In bed, he can only accept his dominance. Outside, doesn't matter!

Little theater: 

Mo Ting: Why is my character degrading everyday while other author's ml and fl are improving?

Yumemmc: What kind of degradation you are talking about?

Mo Ting: I was so handsome in first two chapters!! How did I end up like this. Points upstair!

Yumemmc: *Looks at recent chapter and says* I think you are improving?

Mo Ting: Improving what?

Yumemmc: Your wife skills.

Mo Ting: *Runs to Sia with teary eyes* Darling she is bullying me!

Sia: .........................

Yumemmc: Shameless.

Mo Ting: Readers don't vote until she makes me handsome again!!

Yumemmc: As if! Vote if you want cute wifey Mo Ting!

Sia: ......................... ( Can anyone tell me what these two idiots are doing?) 

A/N: I think it's been long time since I did a little theater. Looks like after TAAOGSK I never did in this book. Happy long chapter with 683 words.) Sweetness overboard!!

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