Piece Of Cake

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Dim lights, stale four walled room, bound limbs, rigid wooden chair, skittering vermin; all the makings of a gimmicky kidnapping scene in an awful low budget movie.

Unfortunately, I must have jumped into one.

"Don't you think this is a little generic?" I said to the brown skinned woman standing over me, her ever impeccable appearance in utmost order.

I'd already gotten over my initial shock of realizing Sasha might actually be a psychotic snake.

When I'd opened my eyes in the dark spacious room, she'd been looking down at me with the sweetest villainous smirk. It hadn't taken long for me to put two and two together.

Now, as she continued to stare down at me, I was beginning to squirm in my seat, my restrained hands clenching and unclenching against the back of the chair.

"Are you just gonna stare or are we going to skip the dramatics?"

She remained quiet.

I managed to roll my eyes. "Okay, I guess I'll do it for the both of us then. I'm assuming you had something to do with the missiles. Is my assumption accurate?"

She tilted her head, her smirk deepening. "I like the hair. A little bloodied, but I like the new length."

As if reminded of my bleeding head, the throbbing there intensified by a couple of notches. "Thank you. You inspired it when you nearly burnt me to a crisp in my own apartment. Am I wrong in assuming that was you too?"

She ignored my words again. "You must be in pain, huh?"

My pounding head wasn't nearly as agonizing as the bullet hole in my arm. "Piece of cake."

"Sure. As tough as you think you are—and I'd hate to break it to you—we both know you're a helpless little girl who can't get shit done. It's a wonder all those attempts to take you failed. Although, I'll probably hand it to that scar faced giant and your beautiful knight in shining crap."

Feeling pure rage for the first time, I spoke through clenched teeth. "You have no idea how dead you are. Shayne will—"

She laughed out loud. "Do you have any idea how pathetic you sound right now? Do you have no dignity leaning on anyone who will let you? I honestly don't know what Shayne sees."

"Well she definitely doesn't see a demented bitch!"

"Says the girl who thinks a bloodthirsty crime lord is in love with her."

Stunned, my mouth gaped at her words.

"I'm sorry, which part left you speechless exactly? Is it the part where you realize you're currently fucking a coldblooded killer? Or the part where you think said killer actually gives a damn about you?"

Fed up, I pushed down my emotions. "What do you want with me? Is this about your feelings for Shayne?"

She paused for a moment, only to burst out into a roar of laughter in the next, her eyes gradually collecting moisture. "You really are pathetic, aren't you? The mighty Shayne West, loved by every soul with a beany bundle of nerves between their legs, right? Please, spare me." She collected herself, organizing her perfect pant suit. "Let's get down to business, shall we?" 

The door to the room swung open. A man with long honey blonde hair and the largest biceps I'd ever seen swaggered into the room. His whole demeanor was incredibly off-putting.

"I'm sorta in the middle of something, Cillian."

He stood beside me, reeking of tobacco and sickly sweet cologne. "I apologize, ma'am. But Ashford wants a word with you."

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