I've Warned You

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When I finally stepped out of the room I'd been kept isolated in, I was surprised to find a huge and invitingly warm hallway. I'd had the impression that the estate was as hard and gray as a prison.

I startled when I found Shayne standing right beside the door as she leant casually against the wall. She looked down at me sideways, and my heart somersaulted in fear and awareness. "I'm ready."

"Congratulations. Now, before we get going, tell me right now whatever it is you're planning."

"I-I'm not p-planning anything."

She pushed herself off the wall and braced a long fingered hand against the door frame beside my head-partly caging me in. Our faces seemed way too close. "Last chance. Tell me now."

Whatever evil made me slide my gaze down to her sexy sculpted lips, I didn't know. But I did notice her intense hazel eyes drop as well, but instead of ending at my mouth, they continued their way down like they owned my body.

A shiver ripped through me as my most feminine parts tingled and throbbed in response to her heated eyes.

The realization hit me then that even before the fire, our chemistry must have been as hot and crackling as now. It felt much too powerful to not have existed.

I licked my lips, hating the blush that was burning my neck and cheeks. "I'm not planning anything," I repeated.

"I've warned you," she husked. I was finally able to breathe when she stepped away, giving me another quick appraisal. "That dress might attract a lot of attention, but we'll take extra measures to keep you safe. As long as you're with me, you'll be fine. Do you understand?"

I nodded, hoping she didn't read the thoughts spiraling around in my head.

"Will you be able to walk down the stairs on your own?"

Frightened by the thought of her touching me, I responded too loudly. "Yes, I will."

But I knew I was wrong. Although my legs had gained back their function, I wasn't sure how well they'd do on stairs. During my shower, a single step that rose to the bathtub had almost claimed my face.

To my surprise, with great concentration of course, I'd managed to walk down the first few steps. But a blond haired boy with big innocent eyes stole my concentration as he gaped at me from below the stairs. Hence, the momentary deactivation of my legs. I almost fell head first down the stairs if it wasn't for Shayne's lighting fast reflex to grip me to her body.

"I got you," Shayne said. I looked up at her face and found patience there. It wasn't fair that I was still so afraid of her.

When we reached the last step, she introduced me to the boy, but he continued to look at me with wide shocked eyes.

"Woah, she's so much more prettier that aunt Laura said." He spoke with wonder rather than admiration. He did look like a twelve year old after all.

"I'm sure she is. Go to your room, kiddo. I'll see you in a bit." A bite of jealousy grabbed at me when I saw a wealth of warmth and fondness in Shayne's eyes as she ruffled the boy's hair.

I wanted that affection directed at me so badly I'd die. But the thought of being in that position also horrified me, terribly.

An impressive black Jeep that I was sure I'd been in before was waiting for us in the driveway. As well as two already occupied unfamiliar SUVs sandwiching the beastly machine.

I was starting to get nervous. I hadn't anticipated a convoy.

Shayne hadn't let me go until she helped me get into the back seat. All the touching, however innocent, was creating a mixture of dread and excitement
through my nerves. I couldn't decide which was stronger; my fear or my fierce attraction towards her.

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