Do It In The Dark

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As I sat in the back seat of Shayne's Jeep, I couldn't help comparing Jacob's tiny Porsche to the spacious interior of the Jeep.

It also smelled so good. Rich leather and something else, almost like a woodsy lavender. But whatever it was, it was sexy as hell.

I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat as I eyed Shayne's tattooed hand change gears.

I want that hand on me.

And when I looked into the rear view mirror, dark hazel eyes stared back at me.

My heart had jumped to my throat.

I immediately looked away, my face so hot that I bet I looked like a tomato.

I was saved by the sudden signature ringtone of an iPhone jumping out of the car's speakers.

Shayne pressed a button on the dash board. "Whattup?"

"Yo Shay. Need a spare pair of cords. Mind stopping by the mall?" It was a man's voice speaking through the speakers.

"Sure bro."

"Nice. Thanks man."

"Yeah," Shayne said as we stopped at another set of traffic lights.

Then without warning, she twisted in her seat and faced me.


"You wouldn't mind if I stopped at the mall, would you?" she husked.

All I could do was shake my head, probably too vigorously. And preferred to look at her long dark curly hair to those intimidating eyes.

"You're scaring her," Christina said as she punched Shayne in the arm.

"Damn, mama. That hurt," she said turning away. It probably hadn't hurt at all.

"Not as much as mom will hurt you if you don't come tomorrow," Christina said.

"I said I'll see. With the moving and all, it won't be that easy." Shayne relaxed into her seat and rested her right hand behind Christina's seat.

I was seated right behind Christina so I took advantage to study the tattoos across Shayne's arm.

By the time we drove into the mall's parking lot, I had made out seven of the many tattoos on her arm.

"I'll be right back, ladies," Shayne said as she turned off the powerful engine. She grabbed her phone and wallet and stepped out.

Once she was out of earshot, Christina turned to me with the most stupid of grins.

"So?" she said playfully.

"So, what?" Oh, I knew where she was heading at.

"How do you like my cousin, silly?"

"She's a she, soooo, good enough."

"If you mean hot and deadly, yeah. Because it was pretty obvious with the way you were looking at her in the parking lot."

"I was only shocked, okay. I didn't expect her to be so..."



"No. To be so...To be so...She's just not what I expected, okay?"

"Okay. I'll leave it at that. But you should have seen yourself."

"Yeah? Well you should have seen Principal Barnes flirting with your cousin."

"Ohhh yeah I did. And it couldn't have been more disgusting."

Tell me about it.

"Your parents would faint if they found out you were breathing the same air as Shayne. Because no offence, Olivia, but it's no secret that your parents can be a little judgmental sometimes."

"Oh trust me, I know. But they aren't home right now. So I can be dropped off without rousing any suspicion."

Speaking of being dropped off. Where was Shayne?

"Shouldn't your cousin be back already?"

"Are you that excited?" She wriggled her brows and grinned at me.

"No. It's just that if I go home too late, we might find my parents. And I wouldn't want to think what they'd do if they saw me near your cousin."

"But they see you near Jacob all the time. Shayne is a hundred times better than that idiot."

"Well it could be because Jacob does not have a single tattoo on his body."

"How would you know? Thought you guys do it in the dark." She snickered, but it soon turned into fits of laughter.

I buried my face in my hands to try to avoid laughing. Her laugh was contagious.

"And what's so funny ladies?" That husky voice instantly froze me. The sound of it right outside my window.

I was debating on whether to look up or not when Christina couldn't have made me hate her more.

"We were laughing at Olivia's lame sex life."

"Christina!" I exploded at her as I looked up.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She covered her mouth as though she could take back what she'd just said.

"Of course you are." I was pissed as hell and decided that I wasn't going to spend another second near her.

And certainly not near her cousin. Somehow I knew if it were someone else and not Shayne, I would have managed the embarrassment better.

I slid across the seat away from Shayne, who's expression I didn't want to see at the moment.

I opened the other door and stepped out.

"Where are you going Olivia?" Christina said as I grabbed my bag and slammed the door.

I just turned and stomped away like a complete maniac, knowing quite well those hazel eyes were burning threw my back.

Even as I hailed a cub, my heart pounded with the certainty that Christina's cousin must have thought I was some kind of psycho.

Well, screw it. All I had to do was never come across her again. Easy


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