Your Mouth

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I jolted off the bed, heart racing.

Again. It was that godawful dream again. Only this time, instead of just watching my dad being eaten alive by red hot flames, a golden haired woman—a new addition to the nightmare—had laughed as my dad screamed for help.

It was Aunt Macey, but in my dream she looked exactly like the woman Shayne and I had upset in the traffic. She and Aunt Macey looked identical, only, Aunt Macey had died years ago.

But of course, I knew my mind had been playing tricks on me that day. Who could have blamed me? Me and Shayne had been about to suck each other's faces off.

Speaking of that breathtaking hazel eyed Reyvox CEO...

My body still shaking with the aftershocks of the nightmare, I looked down at the long and lean form resting next to my sitting one.

I'd intentionally left the door unlocked, hoping that if she'd decided to come, she wouldn't have to risk her life again by jumping from balcony to balcony. I hoped that was how she'd found herself in my bed.

Not that I was complaining.

I drank in her every angle. She was still in her work clothes, looking tired even in her sleep. But it didn't stop me from marvelling at her beauty.

She had a hand tucked under her head, while the other was slang loosely over her hard stomach. The fact that I'd never seen her unguarded like this had my heart singing.

Her gorgeous face held the slightest frown, and my eyes latched onto her tilted mouth, the full lips there making me lick my own with the urge to taste.

I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth as my gaze ran down her entire body.

The black dress-shirt did wonders for her amazing body. Biceps bulged from the arm she had under her head, and I swore I drooled a little. Although the hard ridges of her stomach weren't visible through the fabric, the firmness there was enough to make my cheeks heat up.

Her lean and powerful legs were clad in black fitting dress pants. My eyes zeroed in on her groin, but the pants gave nothing away. I had the sudden urge to rip off her clothes and study all the secrets of her body.

Before my hands could do the worst, I rolled off the bed.

The time on my alarm clock told me it was a little past three in the morning. I usually woke at six, but it was obvious I wasn't going to sleep any time soon. Not only because of the dream, but also because of a beautiful body I desperately wanted to explore with every fibre of my being.

I took a quick shower, and pulled on a pair of dark blue jeans and a white string-back Cami crop top. The whole time, Shayne had been fast asleep, making it easier to sneak around in my towel.

My heart broke at her exhaustion. And as I stepped out of my room, I thought about making her an amazing breakfast to make the start of her day.

I collected all sorts of ingredients from the kitchen and started baking.

By the time the sun was hitting my skin, the cupcakes were in the oven, and I was wiping up the last of the mess I'd made.

My wireless earbuds were blasting Tina Turner into my head when the music suddenly stopped.

I turned to reach for my phone. But lo and behold, Shayne West, in all her sexiness was holding it as she stood behind the kitchen counter. A heart-stopping smile stretching her delicious looking lips.

If it wasn't for my self control, I'd have jumped over the counter and thrown myself onto her, because the good Lord knew that she'd never looked more inviting than at that specific moment.

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