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Turkey was a fucking refrigerator.

The cargo plane I'd chattered under the radar took off behind me as I approached Laura and Lucille.

Laura pushed off the hood of a rusty old jeep, walking to me and taking my bag. 

"Shit journey?"

"I don't know, I kinda enjoyed the talkative pilot. He taught me a few Turkish phrases. Like fuck you means fuck you in Turkish."

"So shit journey?"

"Shit journey."

"Noted," she said with a chuckle.

Lucille smiled brightly. "Hey, look on the bright side, you look really good in fur. Aside from the fact that you look like a wolf-hating sociopath."

"For both our sakes, let's hope it's not real," I said sarcastically. I shook the snow off my coat. "Shall we get this show on the road?"

"Please let's," Lucille said with a mocking bow.

I got into the front with Laura at the wheel, the Jeep's engine sputtering to life.

"We have at least a couple of days before the feds find out I've left the country, I hope everything's ready."

"Everything's ready, it's all up to Demir to show up," Laura said, veering into a rough dirt road, thick green forest surrounding us.

"How is she?"

Lucille tsk-tsked. "Pretty bad. It's getting harder to watch. You'd think she'd worry less given our plan is already in motion."

"Except she probably isn't sure if our plan is in motion. She can't make contact with us and neither can we make any with her. I'd even bet on my life that she thinks the tracker in her neck doesn't work," Laura said as the Jeep went deeper into the forest.

The meeting with Olivia's parents at the safe house proved to be fruitful. The initial plan was to use Loretta Montgomery and Ruby Sambers as bait for Oran Demir. All that planning went down the drain when Olivia had been taken. Good thing we'd injected her with a tracker just for good measure.

God knows what that bastard wanted to do with her. And Sasha still wasn't talking. All she'd told us was that Oran had hired her to watch me closely. For how long we didn't now. But what I knew for sure was that she wasn't the woman I used to know.

"We're here," Laura said slowing to a stop at a makeshift blockade of nailed up logs.

The guard on duty there cleared the path when he saw us, dramatically saluting at me as we passed. He was a recruit among twenty other recruits, hence the salute. We didn't do salutes.

"Freya still hasn't tried to contact you?" I asked Laura.

She sighed as we drive through through the camp. "No she hasn't."

Although we were concerned about Freya, we concluded that she'd just gone home to her family after all the shit that had gone down. If it was anyone but Freya, we would have gone on a manhunt but that woman was a force to reckon with so we didn't worry much.

"If anything, at least Drew is back home watching out for any sign of her."

"I know," I said.

The car came to a stop and as soon as I got out, Laura directed me to the tent we'd be using, Lucille following closely behind.

"The cabin where the signal is coming from is approximately four miles away from us, if we get any closer, we'll be made and all this will go to shit," Laura said, showing me a map of the surrounding land and where we were.

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