Move Aside

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Something was wrong, terribly wrong.

"Is it just me or has this been way too easy? An ambush?" Laura said, voicing my very thoughts.

We were closing in on the house and we hadn't received any fire power yet. On top of that, the first team reported that there were no hostiles surrounding the compound, it was as if they had disappeared.

"Ambush or not. Olivia and Demir are in there. I'm not leaving without them."

Laura gave me a look as we approached the front door, guns raised. "I have a bad feeling about this, boss."

"Yeah, you and me bo"

I was stopped short when the front door opened to reveal the center of my life.

"Baby." My voice broke at the sight of her, drinking in her rich and vibrant beauty before dropping my guard and reaching her in three strides. I gathered her in my arms, sighing with contentment and bliss.

"Let go of me."

I immediately paused when I heard the ice in her voice, feeling for the first time how stiff she was in my hold.

I let her go in the next second and put away my gun, holding her face in my arms, a beautiful face that was currently void of any emotion. "What's wrong, Olivia? Did that bastard do something to you?" I looked over her head and into the house but saw nothing.

She pulled my hands off her face. "Playing hero I see." She passed her gaze around at the rest of the team. "Nice of you to bring your friends though. You really take the term sociopath and make it your own, huh?"

Taking a small step back, I said, "Olivia, I don't know what you're taking about. What's going on? Where's Demir?"

"Why didn't you just leave me alone? Was it some fun game you thought you could play with the naive girl who couldn't help but fall for you?"

I couldn't, for the life of me, understand what was going on. "Olivia, you're seriously talking nonsense. Come on." I reached for her but the look of mortification that crossed her face before she took a step back halted me in my tracks. That was a slash through my heart.

Like a cold bucket of ice poured over me, I saw then that naked fear stood dominant and fierce in her. Fear of me.


I was just about to reach for her again whenlike the very spawn from hellDemir showed up behind her. Almost immediately my guard came back up and my gun was on him, so was every other one of my guys'.

"Olivia, move aside." All warmth was taken away from my voice, the towering man behind her making me see red.

To my shock, she stood even closer in front of him, her body a barricade between me and the bastard. "Don't you dare hurt him."

"I said move aside." I spared her a glance before looking back at Demir, his glare as scalding as mine. "Nice to meet you again, cocksucker. Mind if I have my girlfriend back."

Speaking for the first time, Demir's expression only turned more hostile. "Bold of you to assume that my daughter is your property."

My shoulders slacked almost immediately as I took an involuntary step back. 

My mind put two and two together in a matter of seconds, horrified when I unwillingly saw their physical similarities.

But I had a mission, and I'd be damned if I didn't finish it. "However true that may be, she's coming with me. She's not safe around the likes of you."

Olivia scoffed. "Coming from someone who doesn't feel an ounce of regret after shooting a man right in the face. How on earth could anyone ever be safe within your vicinity?" Her voice was hard, rising with every word. The look in her eyes tearing me down to nothing.

I knew then that there was no going back. Somehow she'd already seen what I was capable of. I'd never planned on her finding out exactly the kind of person she'd been spending the last few months with.

"You killed that man the very day your grandmother died. I should have figured that the random shirt change was suspicious. How can you even live with yourself, Shayne?" Her big beautiful eyes filled with moisture. "My heart broke for you that day, your pain felt like my pain. But I never realized I was sympathizing with a sociopathic blank canvass."

My anger made a swift return. "Listen, I never made any attempt to prove myself an angel. You always knew I was no saint. But let me just be clear, what I felt for that woman was real and deep. And losing her then still feels as raw and devastating as it feels now. Don't ever question the love I had for her. Never!" 

"You don't expect me to believe that, do you?" She took a couple steps towards me, her fear gone, and replaced by pure rage. "I've seen what you can do, there's no running away from that. But all I want to know is how you can be so heartless that you were willing to play with my heart even after the reason you were ever interested in me in the first place had been locked up."


It was obvious Sasha had been very busy trying to ruin me from the beginning. Might as well just let it all out.

"Yes, I won't deny that I had other plans at first. And I also won't deny that when your father went to prison, I wasn't keen on trying to see you again. But I never expected to have you filling up my thoughts after that. And when I finally saw you again, I tried and failed to let you go. I never knew just how incredible you were."

"What am I supposed to say to that, thanks? You said it yourself that your attraction towards me was merely physical. If we're being honest, I was just some distraction from what you were going through with your grandmotherif at all you really were having a hard time."

"You know deep down that I wasn't okay." I holstered my weapon. "But either way, my intention was never to use you like that. I'm not going to lie and say that your mere presence wasn't a balming to my pain, because it was. You helped me through it all. That very morning of the day she died, I wanted to finally see her, with you by my side. I knew you would give me the strength I needed." 

She remained silent, her expression still hostile. But when I went closer and placed my hands around her face, she didn't pull back.

"Hey, you're the most important person in my life. No matter what I've done in the past or what I'm capable of, you know how I feel about you." I brushed my thumb across her bottom lip. "I'm in love with you, Olivia. And I've never been more certain of it."

Tears welled up in her eyes and just when I started to feel that familiar warmth from her, all hell broke loose.

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