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151. The risk of catching a cold or flu drops if you exercise moderately.

152. People look more attractive when they talk about things that really interest them.

153. Happier is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who has more than his neighbors. People constantly compare themselves to others and feel satisfied if they are better in some way.

154. Usually, thinking about a successful outcome will reduce our motivation rather than increase it.

155. Most people write faster when they like someone.

156. It's easier to remember things with your eyes closed.

157. Receiving money for doing something you like can make you less creative.

158. People with low self esteem tend to humiliate others.

159. Most people think that other people's social life is richer than their own.

160. It is possible to die of a broken heart. This is called Broken Heart Syndrome.

161. When telling a lie, adding an embarrassing detail can make it more credible.

162. The way a person treats restaurant staff reveals a lot about their character.

163. Forcing someone to do you a favor makes them like you more.

164. The people who give the best advice are the ones who have the most problems.

165. If you cannot stop the stream of thoughts during the night, get up and write them down. This will calm your mind so you can sleep.

166. Eating oranges reduces stress levels.

167. Women and men solve problems differently.

168. Writing negative thoughts and throwing them away makes you feel better.

169. Cheaters think everyone is cheating, and liars think everyone is lying.

170. Our emotions do not affect the way we communicate. In fact, the opposite is true: the way we communicate affects our mood.

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