1721 - 1730

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1721.  New evidence has shown that these commonly accepted brain “facts” are not true.

1722. The popular myth that we use only 10% of our brains is flat-out wrong.

1723. Brain scans clearly show that we use most of our brain most of the time, even when we’re sleeping.

1724. When you give someone a pen, the first thing 97% of people do is write their name.

1725. If someone laughs at a completely unfunny joke, they're deeply alone inside.

1726. We are not left-brained or right-brained; we are “whole-brained.”

1727. Hiding your thumb behind the other fingers is a sign of nervousness. This indicates that the person wants to appear hidden in the group.

1728. Psychology tells us that the first impression is made in the first 7 seconds..

1729. The “Mozart effect” has been debunked.

1730. While listening to certain kinds of music can improve memory and concentration, there’s nothing unique about listening to Mozart.

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