1141 - 1150

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1141. Give to every human being every right that you claim for yourself.

-Robert Green Ingersoll

1142. If they leave you, or you were a garbage man; beware. Being dumped could lead to "frustration attraction." The attraction out of frustration just means that the person who was dumped will love and desire the person who dumped them even more.

1143. The expression "keep your loved ones close" can have an even bigger meaning, as one of the biggest predictors of love is proximity or physical closeness. Being close to another individual can contribute to heightened excitement and feelings of desire

1144. The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed.

-Charlotte Bronte

1145. Partners or couples who are similar to each other are not likely to last in romantic relationships. Although opposites attract, couples who are too similar or too different are not likely to last long. According to the researchers, there should always be a solid basis for similarities, as well as things that both individuals can learn from each other.

1146. The anguish is real. Research has shown that intense or traumatic events such as breakups, divorce, physical distance, or the loss of a loved one can contribute to actual physical pain in a person's heart. This is a real condition known as Broken Heart Syndrome. Broken heart syndrome occurs when deep emotional triggers cause distress in the brain and significantly weaken a person's heart, causing symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath. This tends to affect women more than men and can be easily diagnosed as a heart attack.

1147. There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.

-Woodrow Wilson

1148. People who are in love have online chemical similarities to people who have OCD. Research has shown that couples in early love have lower levels of serotonin, which is associated with happiness and well-being, and higher levels of corisol, which is associated with stress. These levels are very similar to people suffering from OCD, also known as obsessive-compulsive disorder. This may explain why we feel, act, or present ourselves out of place when we fall in love with someone.

1149. People generally prefer an attractive face over an attractive body when it comes to long-term relationships. However, when people are looking for an affair, the body will win face on the basis of physical attraction.

1150. The simple act of expressing gratitude to the people you love will create an immediate increase in happiness.

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