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491. There is a psychic phenomenon, the reverse of déjà vu, called jamevu. It consists in the sudden feeling that you are encountering a situation or person for the first time, although in fact you are very familiar with it. But if almost every one of us has experienced deja vu at least once, jamevu is much less common and can be a sign of a serious mental disorder. On a par with them, you can put the phenomenon of presquevu - a state well known to many when you cannot remember a familiar word that “spins on the tongue”.

492. You can only memorize 3-4 items at a time. There is a rule of "magic number 7 plus or minus 2", according to which a person cannot store more than 5-9 blocks of information at the same time. Most of the information in short-term memory is stored for 20-30 seconds, after which we quickly forget it, unless we repeat it again and again.

493. The wiser a person is, the less often he gives advice.

494. Women feel loved when they are face-to-face with their partner, men, on the contrary, experience emotional closeness in communication when they work, play, or talk while sitting next to their partner.

495. According to psychologists, we all love to dream. Researchers say that people who like to daydream tend to be more resourceful and better problem solvers.

496. Our brain has a negative bias and tends to remember bad memories more than good ones.

497. If a person tries to remember something, but at the same time continues to look into your eyes, be sure that you are being deceived.

498. Depressed people often say that they perceive the world around them in gray tones. It turned out that this is not just a psychological phenomenon - the dullness of colors in depression has a physiological basis.

499. Incompetent people are often ranked higher in the career ladder than their more qualified counterparts due to the Dunning-Kruger effect. According to him, people with a low level of qualification tend to overestimate their abilities, and, making unsuccessful decisions, are often unable to recognize the fallacy due to, again, weak competence. People with a high level of skills look at things more soberly and, on the contrary, tend to underestimate their abilities, and also believe that others do not appreciate them highly.

500. Knowledge of psychology makes life easier, takes into account the possible reactions of people around, and the use of practical psychology improves mutual understanding, and helps to resolve conflicts in time.

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