701 - 720

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701. Intelligent people tend to have fewer friends.

702. A smile can make you happier.

703. The money spent on experiences will always be of greater value to you.

704. People are so addicted to their smartphones that 90% of people aged 10-29 sleep with their phones.

705. Listening to slow musical beats induce a meditative level.

706. Background music enhances performance on cognitive tasks.

707. Music help people perform better in high pressure situation.

708. A study published in The Royal Society , shows that women looking for men to date, tend to lean more towards talented musicians.

709. Researchers at the University of Texas have proof that musicians are better adept to remember things from the past.

710. Researchers have found that the ability to pick a rhythm allows musicians to learn a language more easily than others.

711. People who watch TV crime overestimate the frequency of crime in the real world.

712. Lying requires more mental effort than telling the truth.

713. Never tell anyone about your goals. Because it chemically satisfies the brain. Then you have less motivation to complete the goal.

714. No one who is born blind has ever developed schizophrenia.

715. People tend to be happier when they are busy because it prevents them from thinking about the negative things in life.

716. Research into human behavior suggests that a person who loses a cell phone experiences panic similar to the experience of the death of a loved one.

717. Your brain releases certain chemicals when there are trees or plants around you.

718. A hug for more than twenty seconds releases chemicals into your body that make you trust the person you are hugging.

719. Blindness Inattention is a phenomenon in which people often fail to notice significant changes in their field of vision. Therefore, you are not always consciously aware of the essential things that lie ahead.

720. Your brain treats rejection like physical pain.

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