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411. Differences Between Men and Women People in relationships often have strong expectations that their partner will be just like they are.

412. Girls develop right side of brain faster than boys: leads to talking, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading earlier, better memory.

413. Boys develop left side faster than girls: visual-spatial-logical skills, perceptual skills, better at math, problem solving, building and figuring out puzzles.

414. Girls more interested in toys with faces than boys are; play with stuffed animals and dolls more; boys drawn to blocks or anything that can be manipulated.

415. Both men and women speak louder to boys than girl infants; they are softer and express more "cooing" with girls. Boys are rarely told they are sweet, pretty, little doll; boys are told they are a pumpkin head or "Hey big guy".

416. Boys handled more physically and robustly than girls, bounced around more .

417. Power makes people care less about others.

418. Comedians and funny people are more depressed than others.

419. The average high school kid today shows the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in 1950s.

420. Traveling increases brain health and also reduces the risk of heart attack and depression.

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