19) A mutual understanding

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The soft red glow of the crackling fireplace shone on Draco's face which almost made it seem like his hair had turned ginger, funny that it is, as it was the hair color of the two boys he was most jealous of. He had given up sleep after tossing and turning around for almost 2 hours and he had tiptoed downstairs to the old worn out but very cosy (even Draco had to admit that) living room. His mind wandered off to his best friend while gazing into the flames and another sad tear slipped out of the corner of his eye. He let it drip down his cheek as he had no one around him who he had to appear strong to. He hated the fact that Fred  and George had even thought for a second that he was the one who had caused Eleanor pain, yes he could be an ultimate git at times, but even they should know that he would never dare to hurt the girl. Seeing Eleanor in distress and not being able to help her was one of the biggest fears he had had, it even tormented it him in his dreams, and today that horrible nightmare had came true. He knew the day was coming; since he heard the stories of Mr. Wilson torturing Noah, it was only normal for him to hurt his daughter as well. Still Draco wasn't prepared and he mentally slapped himself for being so clueless.

Draco whipped around his head when he heard the creaking of a floorboard behind him and he stared into the soft, sleepy eyes of one of the twins, he still couldn't tell who was who and he at this moment didn't really care. He just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts, he wasn't done punishing himself yet.

"What is it, Weasel?" Draco grumbled when the  boy joined him on the carpet, he could also see him enjoying the warmth of the fireplace and the twin cracked his back with a few pops.

"Same as you, I figure. Couldn't sleep, too worried."

"Mhm," Draco agreed, not wanting to say anything else and the twin understood that apparently as he stayed silent as well, his eyes also flickering over the dancing flames.

"I'm sorry Draco, we shouldn't have assumed it was you who hurt her," The ginger boy said and they both weren't sure how long they had stayed silent for, it could've been an hour but also 10 minutes 

"Yeah, you shouldn't have."

The twin bowed his head in shame and Draco smiled a little to himself, he had never seen the twins so serious but he guessed that Eleanor brought out that side of them.

"That's why I'm telling you I'm sorry."

Draco accepted his apology, he didn't think that Eleanor would appreciate it much if he would shout at her stupid ginger soulmate while she was healing from her fathers attack upstairs and he figured that the blonde girl, who the two boys in the living room both loved, had changed him too. For the better. As for the old Draco wouldn't have doubted to raise his voice.

"I would've done the same," Draco told the boy softly, the boy had to strain his ears to hear him and he laughed softly.

"You would have hexed me." And a ghost of a smile appeared on Draco's face as well, the first genuine one he had since he found Eleanor on the floor in Malfoy Manor.

"That I would."

"Is your other brother asleep then?" Draco asked, wanting to talk more because he was secretly enjoying the boys company and he relaxed his body a little but not quite letting his guard down.

"George is with Eleanor, in case she wakes up. We're taking turns."

Draco didn't answer or react to that sentence as again the jealousy in him was bubbling, he wanted to be the one to guard over Eleanor as it was him who had found her, rescued her, but he simply wasn't her soulmate. It didn't matter that he loved the girl, as she would simply never love him back, not in the way she loved Fred and George.

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