1) Is anyone there?

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Fred looked at his forearm in awe

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Fred looked at his forearm in awe. Today was September 5, 1994 and apparently his soulmate's 15th birthday. Only a year (and 6 months, very important!) younger than he was.

Don't tell anyone — especially not his mum, but Fred had been waiting for this for years, for as long as he could remember really. He had been really scared the universe, or world, whatever, had forgotten to give him a soulmate, since he turned "of age" ages ago — at least, it had felt like that.

He had been staring at the handwriting for a solid 5 minutes now, pondering what to write back. He wanted to make an impression even though it was his soulmate and she want meant to love him just to way he was. It just had to be perfect.

Most of the time you could find Eleanor Wilson sitting on a window seat, snuggled into a wool blanket, in Slytherin tower, like she was right now. Her feet were covered in thick fluffy socks and perched on Pansy Parkinson's lap. She was stroking absentmindedly behind the ears of her Calico cat Myron, who she had named after the lead singer of The Weird Sisters. She was a big fan. 

Eleanor sighed, a little disappointed it was dark already and she couldn't look into the Black Lake. She loved the ocean and was always on the lookout for new fish she hadn't seen yet.

She was also trying to distract herself and absolutely refused to think about the fact her soulmate had not replied to her message. It had been almost 13 hours now. Pansy stroked her ankle, doing her best to comfort Eleanor and she gave the girl a small smile. It was absolutely impossible for Eleanor to not have a soulmate or maybe even worse, have a soulmate younger than her!

"Don't wind yourself up too much Elle," Pansy gave her a weak smile, knowing fully well Eleanor wasn't taking up her advice.

Eleanor rolled her eyes. It was easy for Pansy to talk, she was yet to turn fifteen. This was a big deal for Eleanor.

"What if  he's not in Slytherin?" Eleanor asked and Myron jumped of her lap, perhaps he could understand her and he was in shock of the idea as well.

"He will be. I'm sure of it."

Pansy and Eleanor met on the Hogwarts Express on the first day of their first year of attending Hogwarts. Pansy had bumped into Eleanor on the platform and apologized profusely. Back then she knew what apologizing was, she had seem to forgotten through the years. Eleanor chuckled softly, it was funny to think about how much they had changed. They were in their fourth year now and Pansy really was the best friend she could ever wish for.

"Hello ladies."

And then there was Draco. Oh, where to start? Draco had been her best friend since birth. Her mum and Narcissa Malfoy were best friends and they kinda forced the two to be friends as well. Luckily they had hit it off from the start and were inseperable ever since. She had spend almost all of her "firsts" with the white haired boy.

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