22) Dumbeldore's Army

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"We should keep our distance, you know. Umbridge told—"

"We're brother and sister, El."

"But still—"

"Brother and sister."

Noah looked at Eleanor as if she had three heads. Yes, of course he remembered Umbridge making up those ridiculous stupid educational decrees but the woman could hardly order the close brother and sister to keep their distance. Anyone in the school knew that Eleanor and Noah were siblings, siblings with a great relationship.

Fred and George were having a hard time as well, their Weasley products were popular and now the pink toad had banned them. Normally people were running to spend their money at the pranks that the twins sold but most students were afraid to get punished now.

The two boys had told Eleanor and Noah in confidence that Harry Potter had given them his Triwizard money and they were planning on opening a shop. A shop where they were going to sell all off their products, their notebook was swamped with new ideas. Eleanor and Noah were very proud and excited. Especially El, she couldn't wait to see her boys fulfill their lifelong dream. Doing something they were good at; making people laugh, something everyone surely needed, now that Harry was claiming the Dark Lord had returned.

"I'm just saying.. The woman's insane. I can't believe the ministry has given her so much power. Even the post is getting checked now! I got a letter from Mrs Weasley and it was already ripped open!" Eleanor sighed and Noah agreed. Their favorite place, Hogwarts, was turning into something scary now. A place where no one really felt safe.

"And.." Eleanor continued, she dropped her voice a little lower. "Fred told me that Umbridge made him write lines for detention. With his own blood. She apparently has this quill that draws the blood from your veins. You should've seen his hand, No. It's fucked up."

Noah nodded knowingly. "Harry as well. 'I must not tell lies' it said. Ron and Hermione were about ready to hex Umbridge."

Eleanor really hoped that someone would hex Umbridge. Eleanor was seething when Fred had showed her his hand, all bloodied and raw looking.

Noah gestured Eleanor to come closer before he whispered in her ear. "Harry, Ron and Hermione are planning on starting a class off their own, in secret of course. Since we're barely  learning any defense now. They're holding
a meeting next Hogsmeade weekend, do you want to join me? I'm sure they won't mind. Note; we will be the only Slytherin's there. Best not to tell Draco and Pansy, though."

Before Eleanor could reply she was interrupted by a large group joining their table. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George and a boy she had never seen before plopped down before looking at them in suspicion.
"What were you two whispering about?" Ron asked.

Fred and George had both taken a seat next to Eleanor, sandwiching her in the middle and their hands found their way to Eleanor's thigh were they were most of the time when they were out in public. Touching her but no one outside of the group could see it.

"I was telling El about the meeting next weekend.." Noah said and he took a glance at the Golden trio. "She can come, right?"

"Of course she can!" Hermione immediately replied and she shot Eleanor a big gummy smile. "We would love to have you join us, El."

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