26) Gone

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"Bye, love. Have a good break. See you at school," George told her before pressing a kiss to her lips.
Fred mirrored his twin and Eleanor waved at them. "You too. I love you."
"I love you too," They said in unison.

Even though it had been a few days since they first had said it, it still made her body burst with excitement. She always felt like the first time they told her; giddy, happy and ready to skip around like a school girl. She was sure that feeling would never go away.

Eleanor watched them apparate before she heard a cough behind her. With eyes filled off horror she turned around, because she recognized it immediately and it was the last person she wanted to see.

Fire spitting eyes and a look full of hatred looked at her.

"Well, well, well.. Look who we have here.. My disgrace of a daughter.. Darting around with those Weasley boys? Haven't I taught you anything? Did you not learn from the last time? And now you're telling me you love them?" Mr. Wilson spat out. El had never seen him so angry and so frightening. The little bit of love that she had known from her father was completely gone and he looked at her like she was the filthiest thing alive.

"Father.." She breathed. Not knowing what to say. She did know however, that whatever she did say, would not be good enough.

"YOU LOVE THEM?" Mr. Wilson belted and Eleanor shrunk in fear. Her fathers wand was already raised and pointing at his only daughter, his hand shaking with fury.

Eleanor looked around the room, scanning for something, someone but the living room of Malfoy Manor was completely deserted. There was no one to help her. Mr. Wilson was like a living lie detector so she knew not to lie.
"I do," Her voice was barely noticeable but of course, her father had heard.

The tall dark haired man strode to Eleanor and grabbed her hair aggressively and threw her on the floor.
"Speak up, girl."

Eleanor whimpered before removing the hair from her face. She did not meet him in the eye when she spoke more clearly.

"I love them. They are my soulmates."

"THEY CAN'T BE YOUR SOULMATES! YOU'RE A WILSON!" Mr. Wilson shouted so loudly that El was sure she could feel the floor and walls shake.

Mr. Wilson took hold of her wrist and painfully turned it around. His cold dead-looking eyes scanned over the initials that were marked on her. The initials she was so proud off. FG. Her boys.

"Incendio," Her father said calmly before tapping her wrist with his wand and Eleanor broke out in a blood curdling scream. Her wrist was on fire and it hurt, no yelling hard enough was fixing the pain.

Her father only stopped when he saw that the small initials weren't noticeable any more. A big black spot was what was left of it and Eleanor looked at it, tears streaming over her face.

"W-why?" Eleanor sobbed, clutching her wrist close to her heart.

"No child of mine is soulmates with a blood traitor," Mr. Wilson's voice was eerily calm and that made Eleanor even madder than she already was.

"You do know that this doesn't matter, right?" She screamed, pointing at her wrist. "It doesn't make me stop loving them. WE'RE SOULMATES! Our souls are one. We will always find one another, wherever we are, ALWAYS!"

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