17) 12 Grimmauld Place

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"And you're sure you won't forget asking your mum if I can come visit the new place?" Eleanor, Fred and George were standing at the fire place in Malfoy Manor and they were saying their goodbyes. "It'd be dreadful if I had to miss you all these weeks, until Hogwarts starts."
"Have some faith in us, will you?" George told the girl and gave her a one armed hug and a kiss on her hair.
"Of course we won't forget, little one," Fred said and mirrored his twins action.
"I really want to meet your mum.. proper this time, you dragged me away from your family last time," Eleanor said and the two boys nodded. "It wasn't like you were complaining," Fred snickered and they thought back to the night in the woods, were they had laid underneath the stars and Eleanor's screams echoed through their heads.
A blush appeared on Eleanor's cheeks but she quickly covered it up when Draco entered the room.
"Mum and dad will be home any second, you really have to hurry up," He swiftly told the three and Fred and George hurriedly squeezed the girl hands and disappeared into the fireplace where flames and smoke appeared when they called their house name.

Eleanor spun around to Draco. "So?"
He sighed. "Alright, I'll admit it. They aren't that bad. Still blood traitors though."
Eleanor 'ooh'ed. "You're gonna be such great friends!" She danced around the boy and he snorted.
"Don't get ahead of yourself, Ellie."
"I just know it! Wait and see!" She shouted before running up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Fred! George! You're in so much trouble!" Molly's voice was heard through the house and the twins looked at each other in fear.
"Shall we run for it?" Fred whispered and George merely nodded.
"Oh, I don't think so! Stay right where you are!" Molly entered the living room and her face was furious. "The Malfoy Manor?! Do you know how worried I was?" She angrily said but her face also showed some concern.
"Mum, really! We're fine! More than fine actually," George told his mother and Molly sat down on the worn down sofa with a sigh.
"Yeah!" Fred nodded. "Malfoy's parents weren't even home. Eleanor asked us to visit, she wouldn't have if she thought we would be in danger."

Molly looked up to her two sons, tears glistening in her eyes.
"Your dad and I were so scared. What if Lucius and his wife saw you? They are servants of the dark lord, you know that very well."
"We know that, mum. We're sorry."
On Molly's face appeared a small smile and she stood up to both hug Fred and George who groaned when she squeezed too hard.
"Just be careful and don't get in trouble," She told them and let them go and they shot her a mischief grin. "Trouble? Never heard of it."

Molly laughed and Arthur entered the living room and a look of relief shot over his face when he saw Fred and George standing in front of the fire place.
"We're fine," Fred said to this dad.
"I can see that. You scared the living hell out of your mother and I."
The two brothers giggled, not quite realizing what a stupid thing they done and they stopped abruptely when Molly gave them a glare.
"Now, go! Up to your bedroom, you need to start packing! We leave the day after tomorrow."

"What we were meaning to ask you— please, stop giving us that look. Can Eleanor visit us at Sirius house?"
Molly and Arthur shared a look and Arthur shrugged, it looked like Molly could read his mind; just like Fred and George could.
"We need to ask Sirius but I suppose it'd be fine, as long as you don't tell her where it is. After all, her parents are also servants of the dark lord," Molly said and Fred and George jumped up and down from joy.
"Thanks mum!" George smacked a kiss on his mum's cheek. "Thanks dad!" Fred also smacked a kiss on his fathers cheek.

"Where is she?" A deep mans voice echoed through Malfoy Manor and Eleanor cowards in fear. It was her dad. Draco and her were sitting outside in the grass, her head in his lap and Draco was reading a book, occasionally saying a few words out loud.
Both the teens looked up to see Mr. Wilson storm outside and he looked down at the two.
"Eleanor. Draco."
Eleanor scrambled up from the ground and stood stiffly in front of her dad.
"Hello father," She politely said.

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