7) Chocolate frogs

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"Love never claims, it ever gives

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"Love never claims, it ever gives."
– Mahatma Gandhi

Draco had finally accepted Eleanor's apology after a few days of begging. They decided to just pretend it had never happened and unexpectedly.. It worked. Even Draco was behaving the exact same way he was before— save for the jealous glances, but Eleanor was used to them anyway. She had made the wise decision to not tell Draco about her upcoming Hogsmeade trip with the two identical Weasley boys, he would get mad at that for sure. Not that Eleanor really cared, Draco couldn't decide for her what to do or who to talk to.

He would get over it eventually.

Eleanor was sat in the Great Hall with a thick bright pink sweater on and a black puffy coat, dressed for the weather. Fred and George had asked her to meet them at 10 to take the train to the village but they were already 10 minutes late and Eleanor was starting to get annoyed. They insisted they would accompany her and they had to nerve to arrive late!

With a huff Eleanor stood up and walked to the door that led to outside the courtyard and she started making her way towards the train station.

"Wait!" Eleanor heard a voice shouting behind her, accompanied with loud footsteps that scrunched in the snow. "Ellie!" She turned around, her hair whipping her in the face because of the strong wind, and saw Fred and George running towards her, their cheeks and nose rosy. They looked really cute but Eleanor shuddered a little when she caught herself thinking that and the thought flew away.

The boys came a stop, slightly panting and they both threw an arm over her shoulder and started walking away. Eleanor had to almost run to keep up with their long strides. She wasn't saying anything, waiting for them to apologies.

"We're sorry we're late, Ellie," George said and looked down at the girl. Fred nodded.

Eleanor huffed again. "Why were you?"

"Prank gone wrong. We had to hide from Filch," Fred told her and George snorted. They explained the moment Mad Eye Moody slipped on a creation they had made and his fake leg went flying and Eleanor wished she could've seen it, it sounded hilarious and she was giggling in her scarf.

The boys found this adorable and looked over at each other with a fond and content smile. The look screamed that they were very much crushing on Eleanor. They sported the same look everyone always saw Draco wearing.

"May I offer you a drink?" Fred asked Eleanor gracefully after he pushed open the door of The Three Broomsticks for her. The warmth of the pub was prickling on her skin and she shook of her coat, placing it neatly on a chair. She really hoped she would warm up quickly.

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