[3] Max Verstappen x Alex Albon

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[3] "All my friends don't want me
To be with you, to be with you
They think that you're crazy
And I do too, yeah, I do too

But I don't give a fuck tonight
Crazy is what I like
They don't know shit 'bout what I want"
- All My Friends by The Summer Set


Alex knew Max wasn't good for him. Mostly because George and Lando kept reminding him of that. He had to listen to them repeating sentences like "Forget him. He's just playing with you." and "He's gonna break your heart again, just like every time before and you know it." almost on the daily now.

But he couldn't help it. There was something about his Teammate that he just couldn't resist.
Every time he looked at him, everything else was forgotten. He didn't mind, that Max only wanted to have some fun and would always drop him again straight afterwards. As long as he could feel his teammate's lips on his own, it was worth it. As long as he could feel his skin against his own, he just enjoyed it.

In these moments Max was all his. No matter how short their time together was and no matter how much it hurt to let him go again afterwards, Alex just couldn't say no to those ocean blue eyes.

He was standing next to the Red Bull motorhome talking to Lando and George after FP2, when he saw Max approaching them from the corner of his eyes.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" the Dutchman greeted him. "Erm, about the car?" he added when he met George's disapproving glare.

"Sure." Alex turned to follow him inside the motorhome but was held up by his friends. "Don't let him persuade you again, Alex! You'll just get hurt again."
"I won't, dont worry." he quickly mumbled before hurrying after Max.

When they arrived in Max' room, the younger one closed the door behind them before pressing Alex against it. "They hate me, don't they?" he murmured, his eyes not meeting Alex'.

"What? No, they're your friends too!" Alex exclaimed astounded. "They're just...very protective. They don't want my feelings to get hurt." he added after hesitating for a second.

Max now looked up. Alex had never seen a expression like this in the other man's eyes before. He looked so vulnerable. Almost sad. Alex' suddenly had a weird feeling in this stomach, slowly creeping up to his chest.

"I'm sorry, if I hurt your feelings. I never wanted to." Max softly placed one hand on his teammate's cheek, his thumb slowly and gently caressing it. "I was so stupid. I was running away from my own feelings, while trampling on yours."

The dutchman's other hand was now grabbing Alex', intertwining their fingers. Alex wanted to say something. He opened his mouth but no words came out.
Max had never touched him this gently and he had never looked at him this lovingly before. When they were together it was always rough and fast. This was completely new to him.

"I was such an idiot. I didn't want you to find out that I'm in love with you because I thought you wouldn't feel the same and it would ruin everything between us, so I pushed you away whenever there could have been anything more than just sex. But then last week Lando and George cornered me and told me how they don't want me to be with you anymore, because I keep breaking your heart. I have never seen those two so angry, honestly it was scary. And then it finally clicked, and I finally realized that I'm a stupid idiot." Max squeezed his hand a little.

"I don't ever want to hurt you again, Alex. Can you forgive me?" There was an almost pleading look on his face now and his eyes were glistening suspiciously.

"You... you're in love with me?" Alex managed to get out after taking a big breath, a little overwhelmed by the situation.

Max nodded. "I've been in love with you for so long. I don't know how I ever managed to be in the same room as you without touching, kissing or even just looking at you. I don't know how I could ever get up from your bed and just leave you behind all those times. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, every single time. And it breaks my heart to think of how much I hurt you with that. I'm so sorry! I promise to never let go of you again. I will never let you fall asleep on your own again. I will hold you close and rub your back until you fall asleep and I will kiss you good morning when you wake up in my arms. And if I ever have to leave you again, I'll make sure I won't forget to kiss you goodbye and I promise I will always come back to you."

Max had leaned his forehead against Alex' while speaking. "If you want me to?" he added, suddenly looking more insecure and shy than ever before. Alex was completely overwhelmed. He had never seen Max like this. He would have never thought he would hear words like these from his teammates mouth. When he realized that this was actually happening right now and he wasn't just dreaming, a smile slowly spread across his face.

"I'd love that." he whispered and squeezed Max' hand while carefully placing his other one on the Dutchman's waist.

Max seemed to need a few seconds before the words reached his brain. Then a smile was plastered across his face as well before he leaned in to softly press their lips together.

They had shared a number of kisses before but none of them had ever been like this. It had always been passionate, demanding and with a lot of tongue. This time it was just their lips, gently and slowly moving with each other. There was no fighting for dominance, no biting or teeth clashing involved. It was sweet, simple and so full of love that any doubts Alex might still have had in the back of his mind, were completely vanished now.

Outside the door Lando and George both whispered "Finally!" before high-fiving each other in the air, careful, not to be too loud and grinning broadly.


I finally managed to write a longer OS again, it's been a while...

This was requested by littllediablo

I hope you don't mind, that I interpreted the lyrics very loosely in this case but it didn't really work any other way with this pairing.

Also yes, Alex & Max are still teammates here, because I'm still in denial about all of this. And I would like to stay in this dream world as long as possible, thank you very much. Let's just pretend I posted this a few months ago :D

Thanks for reading!

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