[2] Max Verstappen x Lando Norris

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[2] "What? No, I'm not dating him! Where did you get that idea from?"


Lando walked over towards the Red Bull hospitality smiling at Alex and George who were already standing in front of it. Since he hadn't really had the chance to congratulate Alex on his podium the day before, he practically leaped into his friend's arms, hugging him brotherly and giving him an acknowledging pat on the back.

Right in this moment Alex's teammate Max walked out of the door, bumping right into them. "Shit, sorry!" He just mumbled and walked away quickly, his gaze now fixed at the ground. "What's up with him?" Lando tried to sound casual but his friends could hear the worry in this voice anyway. Max had not looked very happy. "I don't know, he's acting really strange lately. I feel like he's avoiding me. He is-" Alex tried to explain but Lando had already taken off to follow Max's quick steps. George just threw him a knowing grin.

"Hey Max, wait!" Lando called as he caught up with him and grabbed his shoulder gently to make Max turn around and face him. "What the hell do you want Al- oh, it's you." Max' voice got quieter and softer as soon as he had realized it was Lando stopping him and not Alex. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if I was staring earlier, I-" But this time it was Lando who was interrupted by Max practically growling "Oh no, what the fuck does he think he's doing?!" and bolting past him.

Confused Lando spun around to see Max storming back towards Alex who was pressing George against the wall now, kissing him. He quickly sprinted after the Dutchman but it was too late. Max had already grabbed his teammate by the collar of his dark blue shirt, pulled him away from George and then pushed him away strongly, almost making Alex fall. "Are you fucking serious? Lando turns his back on you for two seconds and you already start making out with someone else? How could you do that to him? Why are you such an asshole?" he was shouting now. George was still leaning against the wall staring at the scene in front of him in shock. Max could always be a litte intimidating, but he had never seen him this angry before. It was simply terrifying.

"Max, calm down! What are you talking about?" Lando tried to sound as calm as possible, now standing between a very confused Alex and a furious Max. "What am I talking about? Didn't you see? He was cheating on you with George! I'm so sorry, Lando. This douchebag really doesn't deserve you." Max now finally stopped giving Alex his best death glare and looked at Lando, his expression instantly getting a lot softer and almost sympathetic. "I still don't get what you're talking about? George is his boyfriend, of course Alex kisses him." Lando explained gesturing towards George, who smiled at him rather awkwardly.

"But... but, I thought you were with Alex?" Max looked thoroughly confused now, pointing his finger at Lando. "What? No, I'm not dating him! Where did you get that idea from? Alex and I are just very good friends." Lando couldn't help but laugh a litte at Max' bewildered expression. "I... I don't know, you guys just seem so close, always hugging and laughing with each other. You're always hanging out in the Red Bull hospitality with him. I just figured." The Red Bull-driver now turned slightly pink, his mistake slowly dawning on him.

"You didn't realize I spend most of my time at the Red Bull hospitality looking at you? I thought that's why you were acting so strange." Lando also started blushing now. "And Alex is either texting George when he's not there with us or staring at him in the meantime. How can you not have realized that they are dating?"

"He's right, you're as observant as a brick wall, mate." Alex chimed in. Lando and Max jumped. They had completely forgotten about him and George still standing right next to them. "Erm, well... sorry then." Max turned towards Alex, scratching the back of this head in embarrassment. His teammate just shrugged it off and grinned "Just make it up to him." nodding his head towards Lando before grabbing George's hand and quickly pulling his boyfriend away with him.

After a few moments of awkward silence Lando slightly grinned "Wouldn't have thought you're that protective." Looking back at it now, he thought it was really cute how Max had defended him, when he had thought Alex was cheating on him.
"I am, when someone I love gets hurt." Max answered, looking down at his feet and closing his eyes in embarrassment as he realized what he'd just said. He didn't have much time to think about it though because he felt warm lips softly pressing against his own only seconds later.

Completely shocked by this, his whole body stiffened immediately and he opened his eyes widely. He couldn't move. Unable to react in any way he just stood there, staring at his colleage. Lando pulled back quickly, panic and humiliation, as well as disappointment clearly visible in his expression. Max had not kissed him back. He had fucked up badly now. "Shit, sorry! I thought you meant- I... I think I should just go, sorry." Lando wanted to turn around and make a run for it but this time it was Max holding him up by grabbing his hand and pulling the McLaren-driver towards him again. Their faces only millimeters apart now, Max' gaze darted down to Lando's lips, before he gently put his other hand on Landos cheek and closed the distance between their lips again.

When they separated again due to lack of oxygen Max murmured "That's exactly what I meant. In all my jealousy of Alex I apparently just didn't even realize that this-" he pointed between Lando and himself "-was even an option." They both blushed again slightly. "Wow, I think Alex is right, I'm even less observant than a brick wall." he started grinning now. "Kissing you feels much better though." Lando laughed, locking their lips  again.


That was one hell of a race yesterday, omg. I'm so glad everyone is okay, it was so scary. So thankful for the halo and all the other safety measures that have been made in the last few years!
I'm still a litte in shock, that's why I needed to write something a little fluffy today.

I hope you liked it.

Also did anyone notice how George was there almost immediately to congratulate Alex when he got out of the car? That was really cute! That's why I had to give those two a little side story in this oneshot :)


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