[5](F2) Callum Ilott x Marcus Armstrong

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[5] "Now we're day drunk
In the backseat of a taxi
And you're telling me you want to kiss me
But we shouldn't 'cause we're just friends"
- Just Friends by Virginia to Vegas


"Callum, come oooon! What's taking you so long?" Marcus shouted trying to sound annoyed but failing miserably because he couldn't stop giggling in between. They were getting ready for Mick's birthday party together and might have been predrinking a litte bit.
Or a lot actually.

"I'm ready, calm down." Callum stepped out of the bathroom, his hair freshly styled but the alcohol they both already had was slightly visible in his gaze as well.

Making their way downstairs was therefore also not that easy. The fact that Marcus couldn't concentrate on where he was going, because he kept glancing over at his friend, (who looked extraorinarily handsome tonight in his opinion) didn't help that situation either.
Therefore it wasn't a huge surprise when he missed the last step, while walking down the stairs and fell face first onto the floor. Callum's reaction time, not really being the fastest anymore after a couple of drinks, he tried to catch the other one but only ended up turning him around in mid air and then being pulled down with him. That's how they ended up on the floor, lying on top of each other, both laughing like crazy.

Because Callum's head was buried in Marcus' shoulder, giggling into his shirt, the younger one couldn't help but notice, how good his friend's hair smelt. Callum in general always smelt great. Just like he always looked great. This train of thought made Marcus' laughter fade away. He suddenly realized just how close they were. There was literally no part of their bodies that wasn't touching. A warm, cozy feeling started spreading in his stomach.

Marcus fought the strong urge to just wrap his arms around his friend and lay there forever, by gently pushing the other one off him to get up. "I think that might have been a few too many beers." Callum grinned at him, running a hand through his hair, to bring it in place again.

When they had finally managed to leave the hotel without any further accidents, the taxi they had called for earlier was already waiting.
Getting inside of it turned out to be the next problem though. Trying to get into the backseat of the car through the same door at the same time didn't really work out that well. Therefore they ended up almost on top of each other once again. Now it was Marcus, half sitting on Callum's lap.

This time however, the atmosphere was totally different. Nobody was laughing. They were both just sitting there, looking at each other, slightly blushing. Marcus couldn't get himself to move or look away. The pleasant warmth in his stomach was back, slowly spreading though his entire body now, leaving a tingly feeling. He couldn't help but glance down from his colleagues beautiful eyes, to his soft lips. Or at least they looked very soft. Marcus didn't know for sure, if they were in fact, actually this soft. But all of a sudden he really wanted to find out.

And so his stupid traitor of a mouth just blurted out "I really wanna kiss you right now.", without him even having a second thought about it.
Callum just stared at him. Shit! He shouldn't have said that. He fucked up. Why couldn't he just shut his fucking mouth for once?
Oh right, because he was drunk off his ass, sitting on his best friend's lap, whom he has had a crush on for months now. Great.

"Sorry, I - I didn't mean that. We're just friends, we shouldn't..." Marcus tried to backpedal and move away from Callum's lap without looking at him, when he felt two strong hands on his hips, firmly but gently holding him in place.
"No, we're not. Stop pretending." the brit murmured into his ear. Marcus could feel his hot breath tickling his neck, which gave him goosebumps. When had the other come so close?

When he dared to look up into Callum's face again, he didn't expect to be met by a smile, as loving as this one was. "Let's just give it a try and see where the night ends, okay? If it goes wrong, who knows if we'll even remember it tomorrow. Then we can still go back to pretending we're just friends."
Marcus gulped. This was definitely not what he had expected. He was so taken by surprise, that he didn't know how to react. So he just kept staring at his friend and slowly nodded his head.

"Then do it. Kiss me."
At these words, Marcus' body went into automatic mode again. He just did it. He didn't have the time to think about it. His hand cupped Callum's cheeks and he pressed their lips together softly. The feeling in his body when they were touching before was nothing compared to this. It felt like someone had lit a giant firework in his stomach and it spread through his entire body within seconds. It was like he was floating. There were only Callum's hands on his hips and his lips slowly moving against his own. Everything else was gone. The taxi around them had completely faded away.

And the only thought, that appeared to be able to cross Marcus' mind at that moment was that Callum's lips did in fact feel even softer than they looked.


A little special with F2 drivers this time :)

Requested by Amydiaz99

Thanks for reading!

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