[14] George Russell x Alex Albon

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[14] "I want you to meet my family."


"No George, I can't do it, I'm too scared." Alex whined, while sitting in the passenger seat of his boyfriend's car.

"Yes, you can! We already talked about this babe, they will love you." George smiled reassuringly and placed his hand on the other's thigh.

"But what if they won't? What if they hate me? What if-" Alex couldn't keep his doubts to himself anymore, but George interrupted him quickly "Babe, I want you to meet my family, because I love you. You're the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You make me happier than I've ever been before. And I know that's all that matters to them, so I'm absolutely sure they will love you just as much." The Williams-driver now took his hand and squeezed it a little.

"Now please calm down and just be your natural charming self.", he added before stopping and parking the car in the driveway in front of his childhood home.

When George walked around the car to open the door for him, like the true gentleman he is, Alex took a few deep breaths, trying to calm his nerves.

On their way to the front door George grabbed his hand again, and squeezed it gently before giving him another encouraging smile and opening the door.

Before they had even made more than two steps into the house, George's mum was already rushing towards them with a big smile on her face. "Georgie! Finally you're home again. We haven't seen you in ages!" She pulled her son into a tight hug.

"And you brought Alex with you! How lovely!" she smiled and Alex didn't even have time to stetch out his hand to greet her properly before she flung her arms around him and gave him a motherly hug aswell.

"Steve, where are you? George and Alex are here!" she yelled in the direction of the staircase behind her after letting go of Alex.

"We are so happy to finally meet you, Alex!" she turned to the Red Bull-driver again when her husband hurried down the stairs and greeted their son with a hug, although a little shorter, aswell. Alex tensed again, when he then turned to him with a serious and strict expression on his face, all of his worries immediately flooding his mind again.
George's dad wouldn't approve of their relationship. He would hate him. He would want George to leave him and find a nice girl instead. He knew this had been a bad idea.

Alex' racing heart suddenly stopped as a wide grin spread across Steve Russell's face. "So you're my son's boyfriend then? About time he finally introduced you." he laughed before also pulling him into a short hug.

Alex didn't know what to say, his mind went completely blank. Looking over at George, who was still standing right next to him, told him, that his boyfriend didn't do much better, simply staring at his father with wide eyes.

"Oh Steve, now you ruined it! We were supposed to act surprised!" Alison Russell exclaimed, playfully slapping her husband's arm but still smiling broadly.

George seemed to have regained his composure at least a little bit, clearing his throat and asking "You knew?" while looking back and forth between his mum and dad in disbelief.

"Yes dear, we raised you. We know you better than anyone else in this world. How could we call ourselves your parents, if we wouldn't realize it when you're in love?" His mother gave him a loving smile.

"Also you're terrible at keeping secrets and hiding your feelings, so it was quite obvious. Alex seemed to be the only thing in your head for months now. We didn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure it out." George's dad smirked.

"And now come on in, I want to get to know my future son-in-law properly and not while standing in the hallway." They were shooed away from the door by his wife.

George squeezed his boyfriend's hand again as they both smiled at each other widely. Alex still felt a little nervous but now mostly relieved and happy. George's parents accepted and even supported their relationship and they actually wanted to get to know him better.

"See, I told you they'd love you." George whispered into his boyfriend's ear before stealing a quick kiss and following his parents into the living room.

Alex couldn't fight the grin spreading across his face as he followed them as well.


This is for f1fangirl- and rk2576

Hope you liked it :)

Also some info to all my readers who know German: I started a new collection of oneshots where I translate all the stories I posted here to German. Feel free to check it out :)


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