Marcus Armstrong x Arthur Leclerc (Christmas Special Part 1)

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"Arthur, Charles, hey! Come in!" Callum smiled as he opened the door for the brothers and led them into the living room.

"Wow, looks like somebody here's a very big Christmas fan" Charles chuckled as he entered the room and was faced by the giant tree in the corner and lights almost everywhere.

Callum had really gone all out with the decorations this year. Marcus had even joked, that their flat looked like Santa had thrown up on it when he first saw his roommates work that morning.

But Callum had only shrugged his shoulders, grinning. "Just trying to spread some Christmas cheer."

"And he didn't even ask me" a voice popped up behind the three men. "I woke up this morning and suddenly our flat had turned into Winterwonderland overnight. You know I live here too, right?" Marcus chuckled and clapped Callum on the back.

"Yep, but you're the Grinch, so you don't get to make any decisions on decorating for Christmas." The Brit stuck his tongue out towards his roommate.

"I'm not the Grinch, I'm just not really in the Christmas spirit this year" the Kiwi mumbled and looked down at the ground. Not being able to spend the holidays with his family in New Zealand really brought his mood down and just made him want to skip Christmas altogether this year.

But Callum didn't want to hear any of that. He was determined to make the best out of this situation and get his friend to still enjoy this special Christmas. That's why he had invited a few of their friends to watch some Christmas movies and have a little early celebration together.

"Well, that's hopefully gonna change tonight!" Callum clapped his hands together enthusiastically just before the doorbell rang again.

"That should be Robert and Mick. Why don't you and Arthur go get the mulled wine from the kitchen and we'll get everything ready here?" He didn't even wait for an answer as he pushed the two of them in the direction of the kitchen and headed to open the door for their new guests. Charles just stood there grinning for a second before he quickly followed the Brit.

"He's my best friend, but I really hate him sometimes. I'm so not in the mood for Christmas movies, I just want to go to bed and not wake up until next year" Marcus sighed, as he led Arthur into the small kitchen.

"He just wants you to be happy. We all do. We know how much you miss your family and we want to make it easier for you to still enjoy Christmas. You deserve it. You shouldn't have to spend it alone in your bed." The Monegasque smiled at him and a slight smile crept onto Marcus' lips as well. He just couldn't help it when Arthur looked at him like that. Every time their eyes met, his knees got a little weak.

He cleared his throat, afraid his voice would betray him due to the look Arthur had just given him. He had smiled so lovingly at him, his heart was ready to jump out of his chest, it was beating so fast. "Um, here's the mugs, can you take those? I'll grab the rest."

Marcus took a deep breath and leaned his forehead against the cabinet when Arthur had left the kitchen, to ground himself again. In all of this misery, he really couldn't deal with the massive crush he had on the Prema driver as well.

He was startled when he felt a soft touch on this shoulder. "Sorry, Callum said those are the wrong mugs. He wants the festive ones." Arthur smiled at him apologetically.

The Kiwi let out another long sigh. Of course, Callum would want the mugs with the obnoxiously ugly Christmas motives on them. He really should have known better.

"If he keeps this going, I don't think Callum will survive the holidays because I'll kill him before." he groaned and switched the mugs.

When he gave them to Arthur one of them almost slipped out of his hand and fell, which led to the Monegasque's hand firmly gripping around his own one the second he caught it.

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