[6](Part 2) Max Verstappen x Lando Norris

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Because I can't stand sad endings either - here's the second part :)


Max' heart felt like it had stopped beating. Like it had just left his body completely. He only just realized what had happened. Lando had kicked him out.
He was still standing in front of the door, not able to move or even blink. He could hear his boyfriends muffled sobs through the door, which made him tear up as well.
It had never been his intention to hurt Lando. He had always wanted to protect the younger one from anything that could steal his precious smile away. And now he had done that exact thing. He had wiped the smile off Lando's face and replaced it with tears and heartbreak. He felt so goddamn stupid.

After a few minutes, which felt more like hours to him, Max pulled up the courage to gently knock on the door. He could still see Lando all curled up leaning against it from the inside through the frosted glass.
"Lando, please open the door and let me explain." No reaction. He tried again "I know this sounds stupid but it's really not the way it seems. Please let me in." Lando had shifted a little on the other side of the door but it remained closed. Max quickly wiped the tear, that had made its way down his left cheek, away. He couldn't break down crying now. He had to keep his cool and solve this problem. He had to tell Lando the whole story to save their relationship.

"Schatje, please stop crying! Just let me talk to you." He knew how much Lando loved it when he used that nickname and after a few moments of complete silence, Max heard the door creak a little as it slowly opened and revealed a completely devastated Lando standing there. His eyes were red and puffy, wet marks still glistening on his cheeks and he must have run his fingers through his hair so many times because it stood in multiple different directions.
Normally Max would have loved to see his boyfriend's hair all messed up like this, but in this case, it broke his heart to see him like this. Especially because he knew it was his fault, that the smaller one was suffering.

Max quickly walked inside and closed the door behind him, before Lando could change his mind again. All he wanted was to hug the brit and hold him tightly in his arms but he feared Lando would push him away again. So he settled with leading his boyfriend to the couch and sitting next to him within a reasonable distance.

"I'm so sorry, Lando! I know what this looks like and I know my explanation will probably sound completely ridiculous and I'll understand if you don't believe me, but please just hear me out, okay?" Lando just nodded slightly, looking down at his hands.
"I was hanging out with Daniel and we watched some stupid movie, I don't even remember the name or the plot really, but there was this scene where the girl had a huge hickey on her neck, it was really massive. Then Dan started joking about my big mouth and how that must have been me and stuff like that. So I started teasing him back, saying his mouth is used to the biggest grin ever, so clearly his hickeys must look like that. And then I don't really know how everything went down so fast, but suddenly we had a competition on who could give the bigger hickey to the other one. I honestly didn't even think about this as anything else than a game at that moment. I'm so stupid, I should have thought about you and your feelings. I never meant to hurt you, I am so sorry!" Max felt the tears sting in his eyes again. He had hurt Lando, the person he loved more than anything else because he had to be such a dumb competitive child.

"So ... so Daniel and you ... you didn't sleep together?" Lando finally looked up at him, his voice still a little hoarse from crying.
"God no! I would never! There was nothing romantic or sexual whatsoever about that, I promise. It was just a stupid competition. I know, that's no excuse, I still shouldn't have done it, I'm so sorry. But for me, there is only you, schatje! I love you more than anything else in this world and I completely understand if you don't want to be with me anymore. I fucked up and ruined not just our anniversary but our entire relationship. I don't expect you to forgive me, I just want you to know, that you're the only person I love and ever want to be with. You-" Max must have had the most dumbfounded look on this face when he looked up at Lando again and saw him smiling. "Did you at least win?"

"What?" The dutchman was thoroughly confused now. This made Lando chuckle lightly as he took Max's hands in his. "Did you win the competition? Was your hickey bigger than Daniel's?"
"No, they were pretty much the same size." Max answered, still having trouble processing his boyfriend's reaction.
"Then I think you need a little more practise at that!" Lando smirked before he pulled the other towards him and kissed him softly. After a second of not knowing how to react, Max put his arms around him and kissed back, trying to put all his love into it.

"So you forgive me?" he asked shyly, not wanting to let go of the other man again. "Yes, you idiot." Lando laughed and pressed his lips onto Max' once more.


This was really improvised, so I'm sorry if something doesn't make any sense.

Thanks for reading!


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