Chapter 39

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Damian walks into his homeroom, it was interesting not to see Marinette sitting at attention as she reviews or maybe talks to someone. Instead, she's absent. Damian walks to his seat, sparing a glance at what he expects to be an empty seat. Instead Damian is met with the face of a sleeping Marinette, he can see the light purple rings under her eyes, the puffy lids showing how genuinely exhausted the girl was.

Did staying up until midnight have that strong an effect on the girl? Damian found the idea of that endearing, that's so early to him. He stops the little tug on the corner of his lip well but when people mind their own business again he takes a few more glances. He was all caught up on his homework so he had all the time in the world, no thanks to Ladybird who got him bumped off the patrol board for the week.

Damian notices that she seems to nuzzle into her arms every so often, sleeping on one's desk doesn't look very comfortable.

When the bell rings everyone gathers their things, forgetting about the sleeping bluenette. Damian rolls his eyes, approaching the sleeping bluenette. Hearing the same low snore as the one from the plane, he grabs a textbook from his bag and drops it. Everyone's head snaps to Damian as Marinette's flies up- looking around.

"Homeroom is over." Marinette rushes out of her desk and grabs her bookbag as Damian grabs his book and puts it in his bag, taking the time to zip it up as Marinette rushes out of the room with a quick 'Thanks.' She has a presentation in their next period and would need to get there early. Everyone watches as Damian walks out of the room, his face in its usual scowl.

Marinette's presentation goes well, Damian is scheduled for the next day by virtue of his last name. Perhaps he could bring it up after school, ask Marinette for how she prepares before changing the topic to something less school oriented. Kor'i did the same thing the day before, all he has to do is ask questions that don't pertain to school or change the subject entirely.

Damian spends most of his lunch eating and thinking of how to get back onto patrol, could his father really blame him? Todd was the one that blamed him even though he was innocent, Ladybird is also at fault for being there. The boy knows his argument is weak but patrol is the highlight of his day, how could he argue for his innocence. The fourth Robin knows he'll get no help from Grayson who's still pestering him about who he messaged the night before.

Another portion of the period is spent taking the odd glance at Marinette who passes out at a table with some student council kids, her head resting on her hand. She's hardly propped up on her hand, some of the students at the table smile and quiet down. Damian notices more than a few students glancing at the sleeping girl, people really are obsessed with the girl.

Of course they are, she's Marinette.

By the time the lunch bell rings, signaling the end of the period, Damian still has no idea what to do. Damian doesn't pay any attention during his next class, only really coming back to the land of the living when he hears the words 'test results.' He doesn't remember walking to his last class but shrugs it off.

Damian was in his usual seat for Euro, he looked up from his desk and sees Mr. Sulkowski standing at the front of the desk talking about some problems many students seem to be having. Out of habit, and curiosity, Damian raises his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Wayne?"

"Who received the highest score?" School's been back in session for a few weeks, it's the first time he asks since before spring break. The teacher flips through the tests, sighing as if he should have known better.

"Oh, it was a close one. Marinette, congratulations." The girl's cheeks tint the littlest bit as she turns to Damian. She sticks her tongue out at him, he almost feels inclined to return the favor- he settles for a glare.

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