Chapter 14

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Damian slammed the door as he got out of his car, his Winter break was NOT Marinette free, they ended up seeing each other five times and in that time she befriended all of Damian's siblings, now she knows too much. He was not blind to Marinette's amused look whenever someone would call him Little D, when Todd would call him Demon spawn, and worst of all, when Grayson called him Baby Bird. He'd have to tread lightly until he delivered the knockout blow. People were likely expecting him to get retaliation for the cat incident but he was still coming up blank.

As a placeholder, Damian decided to do something Todd had done to him a few weeks back. It was simple, as Marinette approached the class he would announce her presence while pointing out her high and mighty attitude and embarrass her by putting all the attention on her. It would have been better if the student body didn't worship her but he'd take what he could get.

Damian waited outside of the classroom occasionally checking his watch as the halls were crowded. No one seemed to notice him yet. As the boy looked up from checking his watch Damian saw his target, Marinette was greeting people as she walked toward their homeroom.

"Oh there she goes! Clear the way! Let's make room for the high and mighty Ms. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Damian announced, to his satisfaction, people actually obeyed. Marinette froze, her eyes on Damian. She actually looked upset.

"Well? Don't you have class to get to?" Damian taunted, pushing off the wall. A cruel look on his face. The girl had unshed tears in her eyes, she looked like her worst nightmare had come true. It wasn't the first time they'd captured the attention of a crowd, she was fine with larger groups watching their bickering and pranks- why would this time be any different? It shouldn't have been, it wasn't even a good taunt.

Marinette's eyes hadn't moved from Damian, she almost looked scared of what he might do next. Damian's features relaxed to one of impassivity. The bell rang but no one moved, Marinette took a step back- her eyes looking over the room as if she was staring at something else entirely. Most students looked concerned, Damian recognized the look- he and his family knew it well. She wasn't in Gotham. She was reliving something else entirely, all the pieces suddenly clicked into place.

She never stuck to the same friends group.

Never spoke of her time before Gotham.

Never made plans with anyone.

Despised attention of any kind.

She fought against Damian's bratty attitude.

She hadn't left Paris for a 'change of scenery'.

Her eyes met his look of understanding, hidden under a face of impassivity. It seemed to snap her out of it. Marinette took a step backwards before doing a one eighty and running towards the exit.

Damian didn't know the extent of whatever had happened but whatever it was wasn't alright by any means. To be safe, Damian swiftly followed. He'd never admit it but he was concerned for the only person willing to challenge him and win often enough to almost earn his respect. People watched as Damian followed the girl with a roll of eyes, when Damian exited the school, Marinette was sitting behind a thick old tree in the back of the school.

Marinette finally let some of the tears slip out, how had he known? Why did he have to do that? Say those words? She should have known better, she should have kept her head down, never gotten back at him for correcting her.

"I'm so stupid. If it isn't Lila it's someone else." Marinette whipped her cheek with her palm.

"Now why are you crying?" Damian asked, leaning against the tree next to her. Marinette's head snapped up before turning her head away. He stood next to where she sat with his arms crossed.

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