Chapter 2

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The boy feels an almost alien emotion in his chest, it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. People tell her she did well as she walks back to her seat. The girl, Dupain-Cheng, humbly accepts the praise before sitting, making herself smaller. He thinks the behavior is odd but doesn't bother to think of why, it isn't his business. Besides, how interesting could some little french girl be?

It doesn't matter to Damian, he goes on with his life, focusing on switching up where he patrols.

After Algebra, Marinette had AP European History. Until now she's never been so glad that she learned to not only speak but to also read and write in English. Hopefully the class won't be too challenging.

The bluenette does her best to remember the way to the classroom, trying to will the location from her unyielding mind but she's stuck at the end of a hallway. Said hall split off to the left and right, both ways looking identical- she doesn't know which way to turn.

Then, Marinette sees the boy walk past her and turn right- all their other classes are similar, she might not know where to go but he does. Deciding to chance it, praying they have the same history, Marinette follows the loner as he walks away. He goes down the hall and takes a left. They're in one of the wings of the school now, Marinette is relieved when she sees a familiar mural on one of the walls. Allison had pointed it out when they walked to the class; she's walking in the right direction.

After a moment he turns into a classroom, Marinette follows.

"Miss. Dupain-Cheng?" A middle-aged man asked, she nodded. He was wearing khakis like many of the other male teachers Marinette saw, a button down and a cardigan. The Parisian had to admit the school was pretty cold, even with her stockings and vest, she considered wearing an undershirt the next day but decided against it. She'd get too warm and it would be difficult to deal with.

"I'm Mr. Rodriguez, welcome to AP Euro." Marinette smiles in thanks before heading to the closest open seat, people watching as she walks.

"Thank you." The Parisian takes out a notebook when the bell rings. Every time the teacher asks Marinette to answer a question the Damian boy always had something to say. He slouches in his seat, speaking as if he's bored. He corrects her on unimportant details she doesn't even mention.

Marinette shoots him a glare when he corrects her on her English, she had said 'they're' instead of 'they were', he glares right back. The Parisian thinks it's rude to correct someone on their grammar like that, in front of the class of all things too. She'd had enough of his bratty attitude.

Marinette deepens her glare, so does he- finally she has enough and sticks her tongue out at him before turning and ignoring him for the rest of the period. He looks taken aback by the gesture, some kids giggle, Damian doesn't say a word for the rest of the day.

"Alright everyone, make sure to review the textbook and take notes," Mr. Rodriguez ends the class just as the the final bell rings, the Parisian walks out of the building, saying goodbye to some of the people she'd met that day before heading home.

The walk back to the bakery feels nicer than the route did in the morning, Marinette is happy her first day of school went well. The tall skyscrapers seem infinitely taller as she looks at them, the little sun getting past the thick clouds reflecting against the tall structures beautifully.

Marinette spends an hour or so helping her parents with the bakery before heading to her room to do her homework and design. After the Parisian is done working on school and designingshe takes some time to meditate and study the Grimoire.

Tiki ends up telling Marinette about some of the history of the miraculous, about the mage that bound the kwami to the beautiful jewels. The story prompts a question from Marinette,

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