Chapter 8

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"What did you just say?" Marinette challenged, turning- her eyes glaring as if she was trying to will him to say it again- she didn't have to.

"I said you're an ungrateful scholarship brat." Damian spat, tired and ready to pick a fight. "Who do you think paid for that? The Wayne Foundation. If I wanted to, I could call my father and have yours revoked for your behavior!"

"Oh? And what would he do about yours? Honestly," Marinette scoffed, "-you make it sound like not being able to afford to go to one of the most prestigious schools in the country is a crime! Of course I can't! But unlike you, I know I deserve to be here not because my rich father threw money at the school, but because I earned it with hard work!" Damian glared at her, he deserved to be here, reassuring himself because at least he didn't have to beg strangers for money. He was about to shoot back but Dupain-Cheng continued.

"What, Damian!? Does a little baker's daughter like me going to your richest of the rich school make you feel inferior? Less important!? Does it make you feel inadequate because the only thing that separates me from you is the big wad of cash in your back pocket? Because let me tell you this, no one else seems to have a problem with it! Only you! And I refuse to deal with bullies. If you have a problem with me just say it instead of hiding behind your rude corrections and petty pranks." The room was dead silent until a moment later when the bell marking the end of homeroom rang, Marinette walked out of the room fuming.

Damian grabbed his bag and stormed out of the room, people stared as he stomped past. By the end of the period the school would be buzzing at the news of their screaming match. That is, until either of them walked into the room or turned the corner- then it became dead silent. The smell of rotting fish filled wherever Damian went and was annoyed to find bugs following him through the hallways.

Marinette had calmed down by the end of Chemistry, giving people smiles and asking how they were. This made Damian even more annoyed. Had it been anyone else he would have left school to go work out his frustration on unlucky criminals but he refused to back down to her. Leaving now would be like admitting defeat.

And Damian doesn't lose.

No one dared to look at him, recognizing the look that said: 'Speak and I'll rip your tongue out.' People quieted wherever he went, no one called on him in class, people went out of their way to clear a wider than usual path in the halls- not that anyone wanted to be near him.

He reeked of putrid fish. Despite the fourth boy wonder's best efforts, he couldn't find what Marinette had done to his book bag.

Lunch was a battle ground Damian was not prepared for; Marinette was enjoying herself at some random table while Damian ate alone. The bluenette still hadn't settled on a friend group- it had been two months and she still hadn't visited someone's house or gone to a party- according to the latest gossip. Sure, she befriended everyone but never got personal unless someone needed her. She comforted anyone and everyone, if you needed a favor she was the first to volunteer, but she was never vulnerable. It was as if she was scared to get close to anyone.

It was last period, Damian was in his seat watching the seconds until school was out, ticking away- he had gotten used to the smell radiating from his book bag and himself. Just thirty seconds left and then he'd be safe from whatever else Marinette was planning. The Parisian was sitting in the front of the class, right next to the door- she was already packed up.

Damian saw her impatient position, literally sitting on the edge of her seat- he was so focused on the clock that he failed to notice. It was coming, only ten seconds remained. Damian threw his belongings into his bag and closed it as the bell rang but it was too late Marinette was out the door with a maniacal laugh- everyone stared and waited for Damian to leave, waiting to watch the chaos unfold.

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