Chapter 49

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"Peek-a-boo!" Mar'i laughs so hard she almost falls back as Marinette smiles, Damian sits behind the baby, putting her upright as Marinette covers her face again.

Damian is sitting on the floor, right behind his niece who's sitting on her play-mat with toys scattered around her. Marinette's been playing the same game for the last five minutes while he tries not to die of boredom.

"Are you done with that stupid game yet? I'm losing brain cells just watching you two," He remarks.

"And what do you think we should do?" She shoots back. He picks Mar'i up, fussing over the girl, Damian loves the way she tends to lean too far one way or another. Too top heavy with how big her head is for the rest of her. Hopefully she doesn't get a thick skull like her father.

"You're the babysitter, she is your responsibility."

"Fine." The Parisian reaches over and steals the baby and sits her on the couch. Damian watches as she digs through a bag and pulls out little shoes, slipping them onto Mar'i's feet. "We can go outside and play. Wanna play? Let's go play outside, yeah?" Marinette coos, holding Mar'i.

The baby whines, pointing out the window where an abandoned red ball can be seen. Without waiting for an injured Damian who's getting up on his own, the two girls leave the room to try and find the exit.

Damian is forced to follow knowing damn well that Marinette is smart enough to find something she shouldn't.

Doing his best to keep up, he follows Marinette as the distance between them lessens. Marinette's confusion when navigating the winding halls lent itself to his catching up and next thing he knows, Damian is letting Marinette open the door before carefully setting Mar'i on the ground standing. The little girl takes a small step, her chubby fist holding onto one of Marinette's fingers.

The girls take a few more steps, Mar'i stumbles but a rock catches her eye as she goes from a walk to a crawl, exploring the ground. Marinette sits next to her, enjoying the sun as it begins to set, peeking out from behind the clouds to shower them in warm hues of glittering gold.

"Pretty, right?" Marinette asks, motioning to the sun with her chin.

"One could say so." One could also say she looked beautiful, the bright orange of the sky reflecting off her as she basks in the warmth of it. She shuts her eyes for a moment, tilting her head back with a small smile on her face.

Damian's eyes are pried off Marinette when he notices Mar'i bring something up to her face.

"Don't put that in your mouth!" Marinette's eyes immediately snap open, turning to Mar'i. The baby stops cold at the exclamation only to see her hands keep moving to scratch her cheek with the little rock.

Damian sighs in relief, Marinette moves to bring Mar'i closer.

"Did you scare your uncle Dami?" The baby looks cheeky as she smiles, Marinette grins back. "Yes you did, yes you did." Marinette coos for a little before telling the girl not to put things in her mouth.

"She's only eight months, she can't understand what you're saying."

"Then why'd you tell her to stop?" She shoots back, showing Mar'i a rock before making it 'disappear.' The baby giggles as the same rock returns.

"You know magic tricks?" He's skeptical, where'd she learn to do that? Did someone teach her?

"Oh yeah, I'm a total master." The girl grins to him, not looking as she steals the baby's nose.

"I got your nose!" The baby giggles, not really understanding what's happening.


"Yes, I agree completely." Marinette responds, her tone serious and business like. "He totally is, though I've heard he's a little slow."

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