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A few seconds after, Hermione begun to hear multiple footsteps heading her way. She mentally prepared herself as she expected it to be rather awkward between her and the rest of the pupils that had fought in the war, especially since she was one of the few that pushed Hogwarts away after the war.

Before she knew it, she was beginning to see faces that she recognised, even though some had changed a bit.

She began to make a mental note on those who she recognised...

Loony Lov- I mean Luna Lovegood, not changed one bit...

Wow, Nevill really grew a beard?

Fred and George Weasley...(as if I was going to let Fred die)

Oh, Ronald and Ginny with...Harry...

Ugh, Pug face Pansy Parkinson...

No way? Is that Draco? Wow, he's changed a lot. He no longer wore his hair slicked back, instead he let it fall on his face and he seemed less annoyed at the world.

How on earth did he get invited here?

Without realising, Hermione had been starting too long at Draco's chiselled face as he caught her eye. She quickly turned her head only to steal a quick look to make sure it was really him, the cocky wink she received confirmed it.

The room was filled with loud voices, many people were catching up with each other after not seeing some of them for many years. Hermione stood in her own corner trying to keep to herself whilst looking at the two remaining members of the Golden Trio.

"Hello Hermione." She jumped in response as she had zoned out slightly. She turned around to see Luna.

"Oh Luna, you scared me." She cleared her throat, "How have you been?" Hermione asked as she struggled to keep eye contact.

"I've been great. Just around still looking for a Crumple-Horned Snorkack. The usual." Hermione nodded her head in response. She opened her mouth but was interrupted by Professor McGonagall.

"Attention please." She spoke in her usual confident tone.

That woman hasn't changed one bit.
Hermione thought to herself. She smiled at her thought as it seemed to comfort her in a way.


"Thank you everyone for making an effort to get here this evening. I'm sure not many of you missed the long train journey here," I heard a few people laugh around me, she waited a while then resumed, "but I assure you it will be all worth it very shortly. We have arranged rooms for the ladys to get changed in and the same for the gentlemen. If the young ladies would like to follow me please, and if the men could follow Hagrid."

I looked to see Hagrid appear and stand next to Professor McGonagall. Once she had finished her speech, she made her way to the right side of the hall and all of the girls followed her into the dressing rooms. I spoke with Luna on the way there. She told me about all the adventures she's been on since Hogwarts and I told her about my muggle job. Although Luna and I weren't the best of friends in our Hogwarts days, she made the journey back here a little less intimidating.

Once McGonagall ensured we were all settled in she left us to get dressed. We all split into groups of 3 as thats how many you could fit in 1 dressing room so I ended up with Luna and Ginny.

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