s i x t e e n

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"Mummy! Daddy! Wake up!" I startled awake to find myself on a couch with Draco's arms around me. Last time we woke up next to each other we had been naked - not this time.

We must of drifted off whilst talking last night

I carefully escaped Draco's arms and stood up and said good morning to Lyra, Draco still sound asleep. Lyra climbed onto the couch and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Wake up Daddy." She said with a frown on her face before she was picked up and placed on his chest where he gave her a big hug. She lay across his chest, "Five more minutes angel." He spoke groggily. I giggled at them both as Ly began to close her eyes. I let them both sleep there for a little while as I put on breakfast.

Around a few minutes later I saw Draco appear from round the corner without Lyra. He seemed to catch on with what I was thinking.

"She was still asleep when I woke up so I put her back in her bed."  He made his way towards me. As I was cooking eggs in the frying pan I felt two muscular arms make their way around my waist, and felt hot kisses being placed on my cheek.

"Draco. The eggs will burn." I stated as he was incredibly good at distracting me it seems.

"Let them." He said in a low and seductive voice.

He turned my head so I was facing him and pulled me closer to him. Both his hands released my waist and held both sides of my face instead. Our lips collided. It started off as a slow and sweet kiss, but soon, our need for each other became to strong. His tongue entered my mouth and they began to dance together in a passionate way. His large hands tangled themselves in my curls and my smaller hands stayed placed on his broad chest. His lips moved down to my neck and began to suck on my soft, tender skin before making his way back to my lips. We were lost in the moment. In fact, we were so lost that the eggs actually burnt.

Is... is that smoke?

Suddenly my eyes opened up and I quickly pulled away from him, quickly removing the eggs from the pan and trying to get the smoke detector to shut up. Draco helped me by picking me up slightly so I could waft the smoke away, to stop the blasted beeping that was probably disturbing everyone else in the building too.

Eventually after a minute or two, the smoke subsided and it was back to being peaceful once again.

"Did she seriously sleep through all that?" Draco laughed to himself whilst he asked.

"What can I say? She takes after her father." I headed to the stove to begin cleaning up again.

"Harry?" I picked up the phone to hear a male's voice yet it still showed Ginny's number.

"Uhm yeah... my- my phone's broken at the moment so I'm using Ginny's." I was suspicious to say the least.

Thought we used to be best friends, we lost contact with each other after the war. Okay I lost contact after the war. Everything became too much to bare and every time I thought of Hogwarts and magic, I felt sick to my stomach with fear. It was a huge thing for me to go through at such a young age, and I found the thought of the war hard to deal with after I left Hogwarts. I began to have nightmares and it would get to the point where I would be scared to go to sleep. Though I still have them, it's not very often. We began to speak again a little once Ginny and I became closer, but it wasn't very much. We only ever acknowledged each others presence with a "Hi." or with the nod of a head accompanied with a smile.

I snapped out of my daydream and responded to him, "Oh, okay. Well, are you alright?" I was unsure of what to say in all honesty and it wad the first thing that came to mind to ask.

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