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3 years later...

"Lyra Rose Granger! Stop drawing on the curtains!" I shouted as I began to scrub the once clean, grey curtains in the living room. I heard the sound of small, pattering feet come down the hall way and through into the room, so I turned to see my little girl with pen smudged on her face.

"It wasn't me mummy." Lyra said, lying through her teeth. I would like the think that my daughter, which contains half of my DNA, would be intelligent enough to at least cover her tracks by washing her face. I guess I'll have to talk to her about that later.

I crossed my arms, "Well who was it then?" I asked as I knew this would catch her out. She stood there for a short while before I saw her blue eyes starting to glisten and knew what was coming.

The little girl ran over to me with tears rolling down her cheeks, "I'm sowwy mummy it was me." I knelt down so she could give me a hug.

"Thank you for apologising sweetie but please don't draw on them again. Mummy is really tired of cleaning pen off of the curtains." I kissed her wet cheek and she nodded.

"Go to your room and play with your toys for a while and we can watch a movie later?" I offered and she smiled with her eyes, "Yes please mummy!" She let go of me and ran into her room.

Finally, I can rela - -

"Ouch!" I heard Lyra shout. Not even one minute later and she's already causing more trouble.

I ran into her bedroom and saw that she had tripped over her toy car and banged her head on the side of the table as it started to bleed.

"Lyra!" I panicked and picked her up in my arms, "My poor baby." She began to cry and so did I.

I quickly got into my car and drove to the children's hospital as fast as I could.

The doctors rushed her into a room as they explained they would have to give her stitches and we would have to stay over night to make sure nothing infected.

Once she was settled and asleep, I walked out of the hospital room to go and get some coffee for myself and a snack for Lyra for when she woke up.

I left the vending machines and headed back to Lyra and was greeted with, "Mummy! You missed m-my fwend!" I looked at her inquisitively, "Your friend?" I asked. She nodded, "He- he helped me drink my juice!" Lyra tended to stutter when she got excited over something and I found it very cute to be honest.

I smiled, "Wow he sounds like a nice friend Ly. Are you feeling any better sweetie?" She nodded but pointed to her head.

"My head is still a bit ouchie though." I giggled at her response and kissed her head, "All better!" I said with a smile on my face.

For the rest of the evening a few nurses and doctors came in and out of the room to check on Lyra and everything seemed to be fine, "You can leave here tomorrow afternoon." A doctor said so I thanked him and he left.

Whilst Ly was sleeping I read for a little while before falling asleep in the blue hospital chair that everyone knew and hated.

I woke up the next morning to a squeal, "Lyra!" I shouted in panic but looked to see she was playing with toys in her bed with another doctor. I smiled as I looked at the two which calmed me down a bit.

Lyra turned to me with a huge smile on her face, "Mummy! Mummy!" She called, "What is it darling?" I asked, "Th-This is my f-friend!" I looked to the blonde doctor and watched him as he turned around.

"Nice to see you again Granger."


I apologise that this chapter was so short! The next one will be much longer I promise. I hope you have a fantastic day!

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