t h i r t e e n

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"He kissed you?!" Ginny screamed over the phone, "Mione I'm so happy for you!" Ginny seemed more excited than me.

"That's not the only thing that happened..." I continued, "Lyra called Draco her Dad." I could sense her smile through the phone.

"Awww my little Hermione's all grown up."

"Hey! I'm older than you, genius." We both laughed and continued to gossip before I was interrupted.

"Mummy, when does Daddy get here?" Lyra came and sat next to me.

"That's the honestly the cutest thing ever!" I heard through the phone and rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

"I don't know sweetie. Whenever he finishes work, okay?" She nodded and curled up on lap for a short while before retiring to her room.

"So," Ginny began, "What's the deal with you and mister sexy man?" I chocked on my water.

"Ginevra Potter! You are a married woman now!" I scolded her but she knew I was only joking.

"Doesn't mean I can't appreciate his amazing looks." She laughed to herself. I heard a distant voice, "That better be me you're talking about Gin!" Harry called through but I could hear it on the phone. "Of course my darling!" She replied which caused me to laugh to myself, "Continue..." she said.

"W-well I'm not too sure. We haven't really spoken since the... you know... but he's coming over tonight after his work." I explained.

Just then, I heard a knock at the door.

"Daddyyy!" Lyra called.

"No, Lyra. Stay in your room darling." Draco wouldn't have to knock, he has a key. And I knew exactly who it was due to her floral perfume seeping through the gap under the door and suffocating the room. What was that bitch doing here?

"Gin. I'll call you later." I didn't wait for a reply and just hung up the phone. I walked to the door and opened it up to find exactly who I expected it to be.


Ever since Andrew broke up with me, Olivia had been acting strange. She was buying me random presents, and being a bit too sweet. I finally asked her what was going on and she finally explained. Little did I know, the girl he cheated on me with. Was Olivia. I had never felt more betrayed in my life. She was my best friend and within the matter of one night, she had became a complete stranger to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips. I looked her up and down and noticed a big diamond on her fourth finger. I payed less than a couple seconds of attention to it before I looked back up to her stupidly perfect face.

"I-I just came t-to return th-these..." She handed me over a cardboard box filled with things that I had left at hers.

1 year later she decideds to give me it back?
Bit late isn't she?

I made a promise to myself the night I found out; that I wouldn't waste one more second of my life with her.

"Keep it." I crossed my arms, "consider it an engagement present." I shut the door without even saying goodbye and just left her with my rude comment. Was that a bit harsh? Yes, without question, but I couldn't do anything about it now.

"Your favourite guy is here!" I heard Draco call from the living room. I was almost as excited as Lyra to see him, but not quite.

"Daddy!" Lyra cheered as she ran to find him and I followed her. He picked her up and cuddled her in his arms, then looked at me.

"Oh, poor Mummy's all left out." He opened his arm so I could give him a hug too. I rolled my eyes but headed towards him and he placed his arm around my waist and I nuzzled myself into his neck. He kissed the top of my head and a smile crept onto my face. I moved away once Ly had asked to go down so she could show Draco her most recent picture she had drawn, so I headed into the kitchen.

A short while later, I was sitting on the bar stool, just checking my phone, when I felt two muscular arms wrap around me from behind and kiss my cheek lightly. I pushed away slightly as I felt a bit uncomfortable as it was a bit of a shock, so Draco pulled back respectfully and understood.

"So, what do you want to do for dinner tonight?" I asked whilst flipping through the cookbook we had used the night before. He was still stood behind me and put his head in the crook of my neck as he looked down onto the old book before he closed it over. I turned my head so I was facing him.

"I have a better idea." He stated, I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh really? Well please, enlighten me Mister Malfoy." I said sarcastically.

"It's Doctor Malfoy actually darling." He replied as he kissed the side of my head.

"Well, go on. What's your amazing idea." I asked and spun round in the seat so I didn't have to turn my head anymore. He bent down do he was right next to me and cupped my cheek with his hand before he leaned in so my lips met with his. As soon as the soft skin of his lips touched mine, I felt a fire light inside of my heart and a buzz was sent through me. I had never felt like this when kissing anyone before. I smiled into the kiss before I pulled away.

"Me. You. Dinner." He stated. I was confused for a second.

"Y-you mean a-a date?" I asked nervously. He peppered my cheeks with like kisses as I spoke before stopping to reply to me.

"If that's quite alright with you darling." He smiled as did I.

"When?" I asked as I held his hand.



I hope you enjoyed! Thank you guys for all the support, you guys are really the people that make me want to update more often and every single compliment you give this story means the world to me! Have a wonderful day!

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