Chapter 12

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I'm really sorry for not updating. I got a new laptop and trying to find my way around it!



"Will she be okay?"

"She'll be fine, Wil. She's just really tired."

"I should've gone with her. She's my best friend!"

"It's not your fault, Eret."

I heard muffled words, but all I saw was darkness. It felt like my entire body just shut off, but I was conscious.

"I'm still scared about her. Where's Tommy?"

"He's looking after Tubbo in the other medic room."

"Guys! I think she's waking up! Her eyelids are moving!"

"What?! Get out of my way! That's practically my little sister!"

I heard a shove, presumably from Wilbur.

My eyes fluttered open. I was instantly met with a blinding white light above me. Trying to get my vision into focus, I blinked hard. I could barely make out Eret, Wilbur and Niki standing above me.

"Oh.... uhm, hi.." I said awkwardly. It was the first time I had ever seen Wilbur crying. He instantly rushed forward and hugged me. I hugged him back, trying to hold back my own tears. "You have no idea how worried I was," he whispered.

"I was worried about you, too. How'd you get out, again?" I asked, pulling away. "Thunder and some other of the best guards were hiding in the forest. Dream ran back to the SMP when he heard about the attack. Punz and Alyssa tried to attack but got taken down," he answered.

"And... where are they now?" I asked, looking around. "We left them there. We didn't have time to carry them as hostages instead. Fundy told us about you. You have no idea how worried I was!"

I smiled gratefully before rubbing my eyes. "God, I'm still so tired," I whined. Then a realisation hit me.

"Wait. Where's Tubbo?!" I asked, violently sitting up. Niki smiled. "He's safe. He needs to rest, though. Tommy's with him in the other medic room," she told me, sitting at the edge of the bed. I sighed in relief, collapsing back on the bed.

"I really need to sleep. Go check up in Tubbo, okay? I really need to be alone to sleep right now," I groaned tiredly. All the energy was still drained from me.

They looked at each other before nodding in agreement.

Wilbur was the last to leave. Looking back at me, I just nodded and signalled him to go on. Grimacing, he forced himself to leave.

Getting myself comfortable, I sighed deeply and closed my eyes to a peaceful sleep.


Tommy was....


He never cried. The child who called himself a 'man,' the one who would insist to battle, the one who leads an army, the one who represents strength. But this time, he decided to allow his tears to shed.

Drops landed on the white sheet on the medic bed which Tubbo laid in.

I failed to protect him. My promise to rendered useless.

He clenched his hand on the sheet, squeezing his watery eyes shut.

My promise to protect him.

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