Chapter 15

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*Wakes up with 100+ notifs for about a week*
Me: happi
*Only wakes up with 12 notifs the next week*
Me: sad.


Of course when it comes down to the L'Manberg ball, everything had to be nothing but perfect.

There was no other option.

Me and Tommy were just carrying a box filled with tinsels and fairy lights, everything based on the L'Manberg colors. We had hired quite a few workers in L'Manberg to help set up the ball. This event was extremely important to our heritage.

"So... who's gonna be your dance partner?" I asked casually, trying to start a conversation. 

Tommy snorted. 

"Oh, trust me. I'm telling you now, all the ladies are gonna be surrounding me. I am like a hot person, but... but even hotter," he replied smugly. 

I laughed a bit, rolling my eyes. He obviously does not think before he talks. "Oh yeah. I'm sure, Tommy. Totally, twenty year old woman are going to be all over a child," I said sarcastically. 

He pointed a glare at me. "Okay then, then are you going with?!" he snarled. I shrugged. "I have an idea or two," I giggled, thinking of a familiar raven hair. "I just hope he asks me to dance with him."

Tommy stuck out his tongue, but pouted right after.

We both made it to the ballroom, which was absolutely massive. Grand windows were visible on the pure white walls, and decorations were slowly starting to fill in. I saw Tubbo kneeling on the grass, setting down and planting some red, blue and white flowers. Fundy was already starting to hang some decorations.

Tommy and I put the boxes down and started taking out the other decorations we bought. "Hey, you!" I called out to one of the workers. "Can you tell the others to hang these on each pillar? Oh, and some next to the double doors, too." I handed him a box full of L'Manberg banners.

He nodded and instantly got to work.

"Hey, Fundy!" I greeted, smiling. "Where are the others?" "Wilbur is inside his office. He's making the invites. Niki is in her home, she's making the L'Manberg flag. Eret is decorating the inside with some other workers."

I nodded thanks, picked up a box and went inside to help Eret.  

And, boy, was I surprised. 

Although the exterior of the ballroom was white, the interior walls gave off a golden-orange-peach like color, the sun cracking and shining through the grand windows. There was a grand staircase that was slightly swerved with a royal red carpet draped on the dark oak stairs. 
  A white podium that had a L'Manberg themed carpet was on the far end of the room, where Wilbur would make his announcement for the ball. Tinsel and fairy lights were being hung at the corners of the ceiling. The floor was made up of marble, all clean and shiny. 
  Thoroughly polished wooden walls gave off a nice reflection and tint to the room.

I couldn't help but the the small gasp leave my mouth in awe. A deep voice chuckled behind me. "You like it?" he asked. "I love it! I can already imagine where I should put all the flowers and decorations! Oh! And the massive chandelier that was ordered! And maybe-"

Eret laughed, ruffling my hair. "You've always had a fond of decorating things. Here. Why don't you help me set up the lights? We're planning to put them up on the corners."

Nodding eagerly, he patted my hair again and we made our way. 

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" Thunder bursted in, resting on his knees. When he saw me, he froze. It looked like he was hesitating to tell me something but bit back his lip to stop. Before I could ask, Eret took over me.

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